How to make electric heating for a small apartment

With proper organization of electric heating of a cottage, apartment or country house and appropriate natural and climatic conditions, it can compete on equal terms with heating systems using natural gas or solid fuel. There is absolutely no alternative to it where there is no gas distribution network and no opportunity to use solid fuel. Heating rooms using electrical energy is quite simple, and any adult with a little knowledge of electricity and plumbing can handle its installation.

Will need

  • plastic pipes for hot water;
  • pipe fittings (pipes, nuts, tap, etc.);
  • fireproof paint;
  • 1.5 kW heating element;
  • expansion tank;
  • clamps for attaching the tank and tightening the hose;
  • circulation pump;
  • automatic switching and protection;
  • radiators, etc.

The process of assembling electric heating of an apartment based on a heating element and a circulation pump

We install an electric heating element of 1.5 kW or other power in a small room such as a storage room, technical room or a specially designated place where strangers rarely look, but which is available for maintenance, adjustment and possible repairs.

We buy heating elements in the store. Due to its design simplicity, including foreign ones, it is not too expensive. If you have the appropriate metal and welding skills, you can make it yourself. It is better to then cover it with fireproof paint.

We fasten the heating element vertically in two places to a brick or concrete wall using two clamps, one half of which is secured to the wall, and the other half is firmly and securely tightened using bolts.

We connect the heating elements of the heating element to the distribution network using an electrical cable, plug and socket, or through a protection and emergency shutdown system. The heating element has a coolant temperature regulator, with which you can differentiate the microclimate in the room.

We weld a squeegee to the lower hole of the heating element (return) and connect a circulation pump through metal and plastic fittings, in front of which we install a two-way valve.

We also connect the upper flow through the same valve to the discharge branch of the heating of the house or apartment. We also make an extension on it for connection using a hose and clamps of the expansion tank, which we fill to about half with water or other coolant.

We turn on the heating element and circulation pump for a while through automatic switches. We also install a protection system in the same box with them.

Heat is transferred using bimetallic radiators installed throughout the apartment.

Also in the apartment, in some rooms, an infrared heated floor system is installed.


The dry numbers look like this:
  • Apartment 50 sq.m.
  • Payment in winter is approximately 2500 rubles. per month, for everything!
  • The cost of electricity 1 kW is 2.77 rubles. (2020)
  • Region - Tambov region.

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All the details are in the video.

Autonomous heating based on an electric heating element and a cast iron battery -
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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Alexander
    #1 Guest Alexander Guests 4 November 2021 21:22
    You have electricity for 2.77 rubles, and in the Moscow region 5.67. Yes, the costs of materials and assembly. Not cheap at all!