Homemade solution for cleaning the toilet from lime deposits and stains

If your water supply is not the cleanest water, you know very well what marks it leaves on the walls of the toilet. These could be rusty stains, or even lime deposits. It is quite difficult to remove them with ordinary commercial cleaning agents. Especially for such stains, you can make homemade active tablets that very quickly dissolve such stains.


  • Soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon.

The process of making a toilet cleaner

In a separate container you need to take 4 tbsp. baking soda, and the same volume of citric acid.

Pour a small glass of vinegar on top and squeeze out the juice of half a lemon.

After this, the components need to be mixed. This is convenient to do with a gloved hand. A strong chemical reaction will immediately occur and the composition will begin to increase in volume.

The mixed product must be pressed into an ice tray. Immediately the paste will expand a little more, and you will have to press it down a couple of times. But it will harden very quickly. When this happens, the resulting tablets are removed from the mold.

The finished product needs to be thrown into the toilet and wait.The tablet will quickly dissolve and a reaction will begin to form foam.

As a result, all layers on the walls will dissolve without any problems at all. But this only happens on surfaces under water. The stains at the top will need to be removed with a brush.

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