How to prepare fertilizer for seedlings before planting, which will immediately give strength and growth

A week before transplanting, it is advisable to strengthen tomato seedlings. Conventional baker's yeast helps to increase the “phytoimmunity” of plants and facilitate the process of transshipment, during which the root system is most often injured. The solution, which costs pennies, can be easily prepared at home in just 2 hours.

The benefits of yeast infusion for plants

Liquid yeast nutrition contains many beneficial fungi that improve the microbiological situation in the soil and provide healthy competition to pathogens that are present in the substrate and on the bushes themselves. The solution is also rich in vitamins, amino acids and substances that have the properties of adaptogens and growth stimulants.

By watering tomatoes with yeast water, the breakdown of organic substances in the soil and their conversion into forms of macro- and microelements bioavailable to the roots occurs much faster. And due to these processes, the nutrition of seedlings is significantly improved, which is especially important before transplanting to a permanent place.

Recipe for yeast feeding for tomato seedlings:

1.Take 10 g of fresh (pressed) yeast, dissolve in 0.5 liters of warm water (temperature about 40 degrees Celsius), add 1 tsp. sugar, stir and leave for 2 hours.

2. Stir the solution again, dilute it 1:1 with soft water and feed the tomato seedlings.

Features of adding yeast to seedlings of tomatoes and other vegetables

Liquid yeast fertilizer is applied both at the root and along the leaves. Watering the soil coma is carried out early in the morning. After this, the solution, poured into a hand-held spray bottle with a fine nozzle, is used to treat all seedlings, including the back side of the leaf blades.

In addition to tomatoes, other plants grown in greenhouses using the seedling method are also responsive to yeast fertilizing: peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, all varieties of cabbage, basil, etc.

After the vegetable seedlings take root in the new place and begin to grow (this process usually takes from 3 to 10 days), it is recommended to repeat fertilizing with yeast. An effective, natural and healthy solution well stimulates the growth of both the above-ground part of the seedlings and the root system after transplantation.

May your garden enjoy record harvests this season and all subsequent seasons!

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