Crafts with children. Page 3

Master classes:

Fairytale tree

For the tree you will need: • Beads in shades of blue, green, red, yellow (or another of your choice); • Beads in green shades (for the stand); • Beaded wire (thin); • Thick wire (for trunk and branches); • Thin, tight wire for

Basket of flowers

I would like to bring to your attention a basket of flowers made of crepe paper. Flowers made from this paper are incredibly beautiful and look almost like real ones. This craft is great for creativity with children, as there is something for everyone.

Craft for Easter

Easter, a holiday so significant for all Christians, is approaching and it’s time to start preparing: do some general cleaning, embroider an Easter towel or napkin and prepare presents for relatives. And today we will show you a manufacturing option


These butterflies are very beautiful and funny, any child will like them and will attract his attention. They are similar to natural butterflies in the color of their wings, but unlike living butterflies, they will not be able to fly away or die when clapping their hands while

Frog on the lake

My daughter loves to listen to fairy tales. She absolutely loves the plots, characters and all the teachings and instructions that are hidden in the texts. My husband and I read them not only before bed, but also while playing, at dinner, and even in the bath. According to the plot of the fairy tale, baby

Making a Christmas wreath with children

The exciting anticipation of the New Year and Christmas is closely connected with pleasant chores. You need to prepare gifts, choose an outfit for New Year's Eve, think through the festive table, and decorate the house. Anyone who has small children is familiar with the situation when everyone

Beetle from grains and seeds

It’s incredibly fun and easy to work with grain and cereals. They easily stick to any surface using PVA glue, dry quickly and are stored for a long time, especially if the picture is covered with a layer of varnish. You can create uniquely beautiful and

Fluffy paper Christmas tree

Children prepare very actively for the New Year: they make Christmas tree decorations, garlands, and decorate the Christmas tree. Even a preschooler can make such fluffy Christmas trees out of paper. Of course, if an adult helps him make a base - a cone, on which

Smeshariki from dough

Often when you cook dumplings or dumplings, a little dough remains. Don’t forget to recycle the unnecessary lump if you have children - this is an excellent material for creating a colorful picture with the characters of your favorite cartoon.

Postcard - herbarium

A homemade greeting card can be the best gift for your mother, sister and other relatives. There are countless ideas for creating it: drawing with paints, appliqué from colored paper and even embroidery.We suggest considering the option with

Decorative autumn wreath

With the arrival of autumn, yellow-red carpets made from fallen leaves and flowers are laid out in city parks, squares and forests. Leaves collected in the park are an excellent material for creating various compositions, fakes and paintings that can

Volumetric print of palms and heels

The hobby of young parents to keep objects associated with their children as souvenirs is as old as time. Probably, as an adult, each of us was shown by our mother a tiny tuft of hair left over from the first haircut, or vague scribbles - a masterpiece,

Beaded duck

To weave a duckling, we need beads (large) of yellow and orange colors, 2 black beads for the eyes, two pieces of wire - 80 cm and 35 cm. We weave the following rows from the head on a wire (70 cm) down: 1st: string 4 yellow ones beads, lowering them onto

Bib "Berry"

My hobby has been handicrafts since childhood. I really like sewing, cutting, knitting. This is what I live for. This is what I breathe. I made a lot of things with my own hands for the house. I gave a lot to friends. Everything is made with love and for loved ones. This time I decided to sew

Crafts from pieces of yarn, cereal, pasta

Interesting and unusual creative work can be made from materials of different textures. In one picture you can use cereals, pasta, scraps of yarn and thread, plasticine, and such interesting paper techniques as origami. Such

DIY rocket - craft for kids

Children are the flowers of life.But these “flowers” ​​can sometimes be so unbearable, especially in outdoor games. Sometimes there is a desire to sit in a quiet environment, without shouting, noise or running. And there's a great activity that will help your kids

Egg bag

In many families, it is customary to give each other Easter eggs. As you know, any gift should be packaged properly. Therefore, we offer you an easy way to make a beautiful egg sac with your own hands. Make this craft with your kids

Egg Tray Train

It is important to use a variety of materials when teaching children. Children like to see something of their own in ordinary things and to fantasize. Having several models of toy steam locomotives at home, the child still strives to create a toy for himself to play with. Moreover,

Plasticine painting

Probably everyone watched the domestic plasticine cartoon. Agree, very beautiful and unusual. I suggest you do something similar, namely a picture from plasticine. Of course it sounds strange, but don’t worry, everything is beautiful and