Snowman made from a sock

When there is no snow outside, but you really want to make a snowman, you can do some handicrafts. What are the alternatives? Fabric and thread will help you make a fun toy. Today you will learn how to make a snowman without a needle. For work you should collect the following materials:
- white sock or golf;
- white thick thread;
- padding polyester or cotton wool;
- a tube of PVA glue;
- scissors;
- Crochet hook;
- a skein of thread for knitting any shade.
Take a white sock or golf ball.
Snowman made from a sock

Fill the internal space with padding polyester or cotton wool to create a three-dimensional workpiece. You shouldn’t stuff too much padding polyester, but a small amount won’t keep its shape.
Tie at the top with white thread.
Snowman made from a sock

Cut off the excess part of the sock. Tie the resulting piece just above the middle. The result was the body and head of a snowman.
Snowman made from a sock

Use the remaining part of the sock to make arms. To do this, divide the fabric so that you can form voluminous balls. They also have synthetic padding inside.
Snowman made from a sock

Snowman made from a sock

Tie the resulting balls around the snowman's head.
Snowman made from a sock

Crochet a long scarf. You can cast on 50 air loops and tie them in a circle with a half-column.
Snowman made from a sock

You also need a hat with a pompom. Cast on 45 loops, knit in a half-stitch, constantly decreasing the number of loops in the rows. The cap comes out.
Snowman made from a sock

The pompom is made very simply: wrap the thread around your thumb, tie the skein in the middle and cut off the loops.
Snowman made from a sock

Put on a hat and tie a scarf around your head to hide all the threads.
Snowman made from a sock

All that remains is to revive the toy. The eyes are black sequins, the nose is a carrot made of orange thread, the mouth is a chain of red thread. All parts are easily fixed with PVA glue.
Snowman made from a sock

The funny snowman is ready.
Snowman made from a sock

Minimum effort and maximum pleasure from the manufacturing process.
This handmade toy will be a joy for any child. And this is an original symbol for the New Year holidays!
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Comments (1)
  1. Tatiana
    #1 Tatiana Guests December 5, 2015 12:14
    Great and easy to prepare!