Plasticine painting

Probably everyone watched the domestic plasticine cartoon. Agree, very beautiful and unusual. I suggest you do something similar, namely a picture from plasticine. Of course, it sounds strange, but don’t worry, everything is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. This craft can be repeated with children, rest assured - they will be very interested.

To work you will need:
-glass (any size);
- the picture you liked;
-black ink for drawing work;
-a fountain pen;
- a set of plasticine;
- ordinary napkins.

necessary materials

We put glass on top of the picture.

apply glass

Having dipped the pen in ink, we begin to transfer the drawing onto the glass.

drawing on glass

We continue to trace the drawing.

trace the outline

And we get the following.

the result is a drawing

Let's get down to the main work: take plasticine and begin to decorate our hare, mixing it to obtain the required shades.

decorate with plasticine

coloring the hare

color the flower and butterflies

Next we start coloring the flowers and butterflies.

remove excess plasticine

When you have filled the entire drawing with plasticine, you need to remove excess plasticine with a napkin and wipe the glass.
We turn the glass over and get this result.

wipe the glass

We insert the glass into the frame, the picture is ready!

plasticine picture
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
Comments (1)
  1. Sad Alexandra
    #1 Sad Alexandra Guests 3 March 2014 13:43
    VERY BEAUTIFUL! WELL DONE!!!! :fellow: