Plasticine painting

We bring to your attention a master class on creating a picture using plasticine. This type of painting is called plasticine or plastinography. Plasticine serves as paint here as a visual material, and hands are our tool, a brush. There is a technique for applying plasticine to glass. In this case, glass is a canvas that we hold in front of us and apply plasticine with our hands under the glass. In this case, the picture is “drawn” under glass and is already protected from dust and damage. The image has a flat appearance. There is a technique for applying plasticine to cardboard or hardboard. In this case, plasticine can be applied to the surface in different ways. These can be balls, sausages, smears. The image in this design has a three-dimensional appearance. In this case, it is better to protect plasticine from dust and damage by covering it with varnish. This type of painting began quite recently. The drawing process has no boundaries, everything depends on imagination, brightness and unusualness of creative thought. By drawing with plasticine you can create still lifes, landscapes and even portraits. Plastinography is considered a children's form of creativity, but real masterpieces can be created from plasticine.
So, we need an idea. Any image you like will do. Of course, you can draw from life, but it’s easier to use a picture. We will “paint” the painting “Cherry Morning”, author Alexander Sergeev.

The image is selected, now what is needed to work.
  • Cardboard or hardboard,
  • Plasticine, the more colors the better,
  • Frame,
  • Paints,
  • Brush,
  • Acrylic lacquer.

needed for work

Let's get to work.
1. Preparing the cardboard. The size of the cardboard should initially correspond to the size of the frame, so as not to remove excess later.
2. Take cardboard and use a pencil to draw the main elements shown in the picture.

Preparing the cardboard

3. During the work, the plasticine needs to be mixed so that the colors smoothly transition into one another. Typically, clay colors are a bit dark, so your colors will look different from the picture.

your colors

4. Now apply plasticine onto the cardboard with your fingers. It’s better to start with the background so that the plasticine lays down like brush strokes overlap each other.

apply plasticine with fingers

5. Plasticine, unlike paints, is a hard material, so you need to try to ensure that the “strokes” of plasticine are jewel-like and light. So we gradually apply “smear” after “stroke” until the entire surface of the cardboard is covered.

apply plasticine

the entire surface of the cardboard will be covered

painting a picture with plasticine

painting a picture with plasticine

6. After the background is applied, we move on to the main details of the picture and apply flowers and cherries. You can maintain the proportions of the sample, or you can add something of your own, for example, draw not the entire image, but some part of it, add other colors, bend the lines a little differently. In this case, you get your own creation based on a variation of the selected painting.

painting a picture with plasticine

Plasticine painting

7. The last detail of the picture is the vase. The picture is ready.

Plasticine painting

8. The painting must be protected from dust and damage. To do this, apply a layer of acrylic varnish on top. It is better to take a soft and wide brush. The varnish is applied with quick movements.We are waiting for the varnish to dry.
9. Frame design. The frame should not attract much attention. The color of the frame should be in harmony with the picture, so you need to choose either the overall color of the picture or the color that has the least amount. Take a brush and paint the frame, in this case light green.
10. Final stage. We insert the picture into the frame and enjoy the result of our work.

Plasticine painting

Be bold, imagine and experiment. Your imagination and taste will make the picture unique, and let the pleasure received from creation prompt new thoughts and ideas.
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