Rainbow caterpillar made of plasticine

In this master class, we will sculpt a seemingly ordinary caterpillar from plasticine balls, which even the smallest child can handle, but due to the smooth transition of colors and a couple of small details, the craft will turn out to be extraordinary. Let's start creating a bright rainbow caterpillar from plasticine that radiates joy and happiness!
As you can see in the photo, the body of the caterpillar consists of seven ball parts. The first part is rolled out of yellow plasticine, for the second part we mix yellow and orange, the third is pure orange, the fourth is a mixture of orange and red, the fifth is red, the sixth is red and blue (purple comes out), and finally the seventh is pure purple. . Each time, mixing two colors of plasticine together, knead the pieces thoroughly and for a long time so that they become homogeneous and monochromatic. It looks more interesting when the balls are not the same size, but each subsequent one is slightly smaller than the previous one.
We connect the parts into a single body and bend it beautifully.

roll plasticine balls


For the legs, roll out a thin black sausage and cut into twelve sticks of equal length.
Attach the legs to the body and round them at the ends. We make it look like the caterpillar is waving its hand.

we cut

attach the caterpillar legs

Let's take care of the face. The eyes are flattened balls of two colors, the smile is cut out in a stack. Halves of a toothpick with plasticine balls are used as horns in the photo, but they can also be replaced with thick wire.

Plasticine caterpillar is ready

That's all, the rainbow plasticine caterpillar is ready! All that remains is to find a suitable place for it. You can use a dried leaf, and if the season does not allow it, then fashion it out of plasticine or cut it out of paper.

plasticine caterpillar

plasticine caterpillar
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Elya
    #1 Elya Guests 13 July 2015 23:53
    cool :love: :tongue: wink smile