Decorate a candle with beads

Fire has always been something fascinating and alluring for humans. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of us are not indifferent to candles: large, small; wax, paraffin or gel. In stores you can find many candles decorated in a wide variety of ways. But you can also decorate the most ordinary candle yourself, for example, using beads.

To work you will need:

you will need

• Candle. It can be of any size, color and shape, the main thing is that it is not gel.
• Beads. The choice of beads also depends on your preferences and the creative idea you want to realize.
• Wire. Beads will be strung on it, so its thickness must be appropriate. Alternatively, you can use fishing line or thread. The advantage of wire is that it can be bent to suit your needs.
• Felt-tip pen and pen refill. You should first check from the bottom of the candle to see if the felt-tip pen or marker is erased from its surface.
• Hairdryer. It is necessary to slightly soften (“melt”) the wax or paraffin. Using an open flame, such as another candle, is not recommended as it may cause your work candle to smoke and turn black.
First, using a felt-tip pen, draw on the candle the design or ornament that you want to implement.

draw on a candle

Using an empty pen or other sharp but not too thin object, repeat the pattern so that small “grooves” are formed where the beads will be placed.

draw on a candle

stack beads

We tie a knot at one end of a small piece of wire and string beads.

stack beads

We apply the wire with beads to our drawing and press it a little into the candle, but not too much, so that it does not start to crumble.

stack beads

Turn on the hair dryer and hold it over the area of ​​the candle that is in use for a few seconds.

Turn on the hair dryer

Once again, carefully press the beads into the already softened wax. Make sure that the beads do not lean to one side if this is not part of your plans.

press the beads

press the beads

Slowly pull the wire out by the knot.

press the beads

We string the beads again and repeat the already familiar “procedure” until we complete the drawing.

Decorating a candle

This way you can create themed candles for different holidays: New Year's candles - with images of fir branches and Christmas tree decorations, Easter - with willow and Easter eggs, for Valentine's Day - with hearts. It's simple, fast and unique.

Decorating a candle
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