
Every experienced fisherman knows that this simple product is very convenient to use when catching predatory fish (pike perch, perch, pike, etc.). Kukan will help keep the fish as fresh as possible until the end of fishing. How is it used? Having placed your catch on the kukan, lower it into the water. The invention can be mounted on the stern of the boat or on the belt of the fisherman himself. Thanks to him, the fish remains alive for a long time, walking freely in its native element.

Material required for making kukan:
- nut – 1 piece;
- bicycle cable - 1 piece (length from 1.5 to 2 meters);
- bicycle spokes – from 6 to 10 pieces;
- spring – the quantity directly depends on the number of spokes (diameter 80 mm, length 2 cm);
- swivels – the number depends on the number of knitting needles used (size 6);
- pieces of jacket for the cable - 5 cm long (for 6 hooks - 11 pieces);
- pliers;
- hammer.

tools and materials

Stages of work:
1. Stepping back 5 cm from the edge of the knitting needle, bite off the required length with pliers.

Stepping back from the edge of the spoke

2. Bend the edges of a 1.5 cm long knitting needle.

Bend the edges of the knitting needle

3. Now you need to make another small bend on the workpiece, as shown in the photo.

Bend the edges of the knitting needle

4. Having measured 5 cm from the bent part of the knitting needle, then bend it in the form of a ring.

bend it into a ring

5. On the other side of the knitting needle, bend the edges according to the existing example.

bend to a degree

6.Step back 7 cm from the bent ring and bend it 100 degrees, dulling another 5 cm on the kukan blank, bend it at a degree of 90. The number of such blanks should depend on the desired number of hooks on which the fish will cling (in this work, 6 pieces were made).

the fish will cling

8. Pass a swivel through each hook to the circle, and then put on the springs.



9. Next, we proceed directly to working with the cable. We pass one piece of the shirt through the cable to the very end.

directly to the cable

directly to the cable

10. Then we thread the cable through the swivel with the hook, also to the end.

thread the swivel

11. After each swivel, thread 2 pieces onto the cable (be sure to use 2 pieces instead of one, this will serve for greater flexibility).

do-it-yourself kukan

12. Then this operation must be done with all other hooks.

do-it-yourself kukan

13. Now you need to make a loop at the end of the cable (you will need a nut, a hammer and a cable head for this purpose). We pass the cable through the nut.

do-it-yourself kukan

14. After that, the nut must be riveted with hammer blows. And for greater confidence, you can rivet the head at the end of the cable so that the cable cannot slide through the nut and to avoid losing the catch.

do-it-yourself kukan

15. Here is a do-it-yourself kukan, ready for use. All that's left to do is just go fishing and catch a lot of tasty fish for dinner.

do-it-yourself kukan

In conclusion, I would like to add that this product - kukan - is made quite quickly and is very simple to make, if, of course, you have all the necessary materials available. And having such a necessary and useful invention, you can always keep the fish alive and fresh for a long time, which will make your dinner much tastier.
Kukan is ready! What do they say in this case? No tail, no scales!
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (2)
  1. Nikolay Generalov
    #1 Nikolay Generalov Guests 8 November 2016 13:53
    The spring is apparently 8mm. Typo! The swivels are also not suitable; they are often pulled out. This can lead to the loss of the trophy. I use 8mm engraving washers connected in a chain of 4-5 pieces.
  2. General Nikolaev
    #2 General Nikolaev Guests 18 June 2018 22:28
    It’s better to add a float (a piece of polystyrene foam, for example) so it won’t sink.