Fabric rose

You can create very original flowers and even floral arrangements from fabric. Such textile flowers serve as decoration for any surface: clothes, cards, boxes, curtains, hair ties, etc. In this master class you will learn how to create a very simple rose from a mixture of different fabrics. Anyone can make such flowers without much effort.
To create a rose you will need the following materials and tools:

peach chiffon; organza transparent peach color; transparent organza with white or matching color print; satin white fabric; candle for singeing the edge of the fabric; scissors; paper; pencil; pins; needle; threads

Choose the fabric

Select the fabric so that all colors match each other. It is desirable that the colors alternate between matte and transparent, light and darker.
First, let's prepare the petal templates. We bend the strip of paper in half and draw halves of hearts along the folds. The halves should be of different sizes, and the size should increase gradually. The templates don't have to be hearts. But this is the optimal shape that can help achieve maximum visual effect for the rose.

cut out

We fold the fabric in many layers and be sure to secure it with pins along all edges.This is necessary so that the cut out hearts are all the same size and the fabric does not spread in different directions. We outline all the templates with a pencil. The largest petals will be collected initially, so you need to decide what color will be the first, second, etc. The colors will be collected in layers. Cut out the petals drawn on the fabric. Blanks with pencil marks can be thrown away immediately, as their scorched edges will be black.

cut out the petals

We begin to singe the edges of all the cut petals. This must be done very carefully so as not to deform the petal. We take the sharp end of the heart with tweezers and hold it over the fire, scorching the edges very quickly.

We begin to scorch the edges

We have these rose petals of different sizes and different colors.

assembling a rose from fabric

We begin to collect the rose from the largest petals. One layer will consist of 4 petals of the same color. We pierce the first petal with a needle and make several small stitches. We bring the needle out from the wrong side. We fasten the sharp corners of the petals.

assembling a rose from fabric

Apply the second petal. We stitch with a needle from bottom to top and top to bottom. Thus, the needle should always be brought out at the bottom.

assembling a rose from fabric

We collect 4 petals and begin to lay out a new layer, which is slightly smaller in size and of a different color. In the master class, the petals are arranged so that they are matte and large at the bottom, and transparent alternate with matte in the upper layers and until the end.

assembling a rose from fabric

Gradually reduce the size of the petals and alternate colors.

assembling a rose from fabric

We secure the knot on the wrong side. If there is a need to sew a finished rose to any material, then leave the thread for further work. You can glue a bead into the middle or cover it with very small petals.

Fabric rose

These are the beautiful roses made from fabric!

Fabric rose
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