Satin ribbon hairpin

This bouquet of roses will be an excellent decoration for your hair.

satin ribbon hairpin

For a bouquet of roses we will need the following materials:
- pink ribbon, 2.5 cm wide and 230 cm long.
-white ribbon, 2.5 cm wide and 154 cm long.
- green satin ribbon 150 cm long.
-glue gun.
- for decoration: some beads, fishing line, braid.
- flower stamens.
- lighter.
- large hair clip.
- needle and thread.
- scissors.

We begin work by cutting the tape. We take a pink ribbon and cut it into strips 7 cm long. For one flower you will need 11 strips, and there will be three pink roses, respectively, 33 strips in total.

satin ribbon hairpin

We start with one rose. We take 11 strips and begin to make flower petals from them. Burn the edges with a lighter. In each strip, we bend the corners on both sides to the wrong side and secure with sewing needles.

satin ribbon hairpin

Now we take a needle and thread, preferably in the color of the ribbon, and fasten it along the edge where the needles were bent.

satin ribbon hairpin

Then we tighten the thread and secure the resulting petal.

satin ribbon hairpin

satin ribbon hairpin

We make 11 such blanks.

satin ribbon hairpin

Then we will collect the bud with a glue gun. It consists of 3 petals.We twist the first piece into a tube and secure it. Now we glue it to the middle of the second petal along the entire height, pressing the edges.

satin ribbon hairpin

And glue the third petal, covering the free edges of the second. The bud is ready.

satin ribbon hairpin

The second row also consists of 3 petals. We glue these blanks slightly overlapping each other, placing them in a circle.

satin ribbon hairpin

But in the third row there will be 5 petals, also overlapping each other in a spiral. The flower is ready.

satin ribbon hairpin

And in the end you get three pink and two white roses.

satin ribbon hairpin

Now you need to glue the backing to the flowers. They are green, which means we will cut them from green satin ribbon. Cut strips 6 cm long, 25 pieces. 5 pieces per rose.

satin ribbon hairpin

We take a strip, fold it in half lengthwise, right side inward, and cut it out with scissors, scorching it, gluing the edges to each other, or cut it out with a soldering iron with a fine tip.

satin ribbon hairpin

We turn these 5 petals right side up, getting a boat shape.

satin ribbon hairpin

But on one side of the leaves we cut off the corners from 0.5 to 1 cm, and burn the smooth edge.

satin ribbon hairpin

When the leaves are ready, turn the rose upside down and glue these blanks with the cut sides to the middle of the bottom of the rose.

satin ribbon hairpin

The rose with green leaves is ready.

satin ribbon hairpin

In the same way we glue the leaves to all 5 roses.

satin ribbon hairpin

Now we need a base on which we will collect our bouquet. Cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 7 cm.

satin ribbon hairpin

And for decoration we take 40 cm braid and any thin fishing line 60 cm long.

satin ribbon hairpin

We glue the braid onto one circle, cover it with the second circle and secure it with a glue gun.

satin ribbon hairpin

We cut the thin ribbon into three strips and fold each strip in half twice, securing with a needle.

satin ribbon hairpin

satin ribbon hairpin

Straighten, you get 2 curls.

satin ribbon hairpin

Now we take the stamens and glue them between these two blanks.And on the fishing line we glue small beads with a gap from each other.

satin ribbon hairpin

satin ribbon hairpin

Let's now start assembling the bouquet. Glue a curl of beads between two white roses.

satin ribbon hairpin

And then we attach them to the finished base, gluing them with a gun. We will place them slightly away from the middle, closer to the edge.

satin ribbon hairpin

Now the roses are pink, we place them side by side on the base.

satin ribbon hairpin

To decorate a bouquet, you need to secure stamens with curls between the roses.

satin ribbon hairpin

All that remains is to attach a large hair clip to the base with roses.

satin ribbon hairpin

Well, the hair decoration is ready.

satin ribbon hairpin

Good luck to all.
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