Master class on heart-shaped pendants with a bunny

This souvenir measuring 10 x 12 cm is made of fabric using the primed textile technique. Flowers from foamiran were used.
heart with bunny pendant

For work we take materials:
- white calico.
- sewing machine.
- scissors.
- pencil.
- acrylic paints.
- thin wire.
- brushes for painting.
- a piece of corrugated green paper.
- foamiran trimmings.
- a little foil.
- thin satin ribbon.
- glue "Moment".
- decorative cord.
- outline for golden fabric.
- needle and thread.
- any filler for a souvenir.
- black pen.
Let's start with a template that we draw on paper. The size will be 11 x 13 cm. And you will also need paws.
heart with bunny pendant

We cut out two heart bases and 4 legs with seam allowances from thick fabric. On the workpiece we mark the section for turning inside out, which we do not sew up. We also mark the places for the paws.
heart with bunny pendant

First we stitch the paw blanks and turn them inside out.
heart with bunny pendant

Then we place them in the intended places, but inside the base blank. Only then do we sew along the main contour. And carefully turn it inside out, straightening all the corners. Then we take a thin wire and use it to repeat the contour of the bunny’s ears.Then, through the free segment, we carefully insert it inside the ears themselves.
heart with bunny pendant

Now you can fill the entire souvenir tightly. We also insert filler into the ears.
heart with bunny pendant

All that remains is to sew up the hole with small stitches. Next, use a pencil to draw the outline of the muzzle and the corner from the heart. Then we use a thread to tighten it along the drawn contour from the heart. We pierce the needle completely through the thickness of the heart so that the same contour is on the back side.
heart with bunny pendant

Now we move on to the coloring stage. We tint the entire heart shape red. We paint the paws and head with ears in a light brown tone. Using the dried paint, we trace all the contours of the hare’s face with a pen.
heart with bunny pendant

You need to further tint the middle of the ears, around the eyes and the bottom of the muzzle in a circle with brown. The seams of the legs should also be painted a little.
heart with bunny pendant

We continue working now with white paint. We draw the cheeks, the whites of the eyes and a little in the middle of the ears.
heart with bunny pendant

Next we need a blue color for the iris of the eyes. You just need to take into account that closer to the pupil the iris brightens.
heart with bunny pendant

All that remains is to add a brown nose and black pupils. While they dry, let's tint the edges of the heart a shade darker. Now we return to the muzzle, and repeat all the contours again with a black pen. We also draw eyelashes and antennae. And add white highlights to the eyes and nose.
heart with bunny pendant

The base of the souvenir pendant is ready. Thanks to the wire, the ears can take different shapes.
heart with bunny pendant

heart with bunny pendant

Let's move on to making a bouquet of flowers. We take small scraps of foamiran, cut out the shape of droplets, some green leaves and 5 pieces of wire, because there will be five colors.
heart with bunny pendant

To make one flower, take a piece of foil, 7 cm wire, 2 leaves, 3 small petals and 6 larger ones, and a little corrugated paper.
heart with bunny pendant

First, make a 1 cm droplet out of foil and secure it well to the wire. Then glue 3 small petals onto the resulting flower base.You need to completely close the foil. Next we fasten the remaining parts in a circle. It turns out to be a flower.
heart with bunny pendant

Now add green leaves and cover the entire wire with paper. The flower comes to life.
heart with bunny pendant

But there will be 5 of these in our bouquet. We select colors according to our taste. We combine them into a bouquet, and try on the arrangement according to the souvenir. We twist the wire together a little and tie it with a bow of thin ribbon. If desired, add a large green leaf.
heart with bunny pendant

All that remains is to sew it into the bunny’s paws. We make invisible stitches.
heart with bunny pendant

heart with bunny pendant

There are some small details left to complete. We make a loop from a decorative cord for hanging a souvenir. We fix it between the ears of the hare. And on top we glue a small piece of fur, which we use to cover the joint.
heart with bunny pendant

In front of the bunny there is a beautiful bouquet, and from the back we will draw a random curl for decoration using a golden outline.
heart with bunny pendant

The souvenir heart with a bunny is ready. And they look great in company.
heart with bunny pendant

Good luck to all!
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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