Features of sowing pepper

In the summer, walking along the market rows, we contemplate with admiration the harvest of bell and hot peppers grown by amateur gardeners, and with regret we ponder our failures. Meanwhile, you can learn any business, especially if you really want it.

Seed selection

There are no small details in the process of growing peppers; absolutely everything is important. However, sowing begins with a seed.
Arriving at a specialized store, we are delighted with the variety of color pictures on the bags, depicting ripe, large and beautiful fruits.
Features of sowing pepper

When picking up any of them, you need to be aware that what is drawn may not correspond to reality. When packaging there is always a “human factor” and mis-grading is quite possible.
The second factor not in favor of packaged seeds is the indicated germination period. Wondering why peppers don’t sprout, we don’t even think about the fact that their germination depends on:
  • physiological maturity of the fetus;
  • drying conditions;
  • storage conditions;
  • conditions created for germination.

If the germination of melon seeds (watermelon, cucumber) is up to eight years, then pepper seeds are no more than three. However, the manufacturer, or packer, stubbornly indicates four years.
Features of sowing pepper

Of course, this is a marketing ploy, or, more simply, a deception. Therefore, when purchasing seeds, you need to look especially carefully at the packaging date.

Germination of seeds

Many novice vegetable growers sow dry seeds and then wait a long time for germination. With dry sowing, even if the temperature is maintained at about 30, seedlings will appear no earlier than after 20 days.
Features of sowing pepper

Experienced gardeners carry out wet germination. To do this, place a napkin, toilet paper or filter paper in a container, pour warm water, and place the seeds. Everything is wrapped in a plastic bag and installed in a warm place (on the battery, radiator, stove, etc.). The temperature can be controlled tactilely by simply placing your hand; it should be very warm, but not hot.
If the pepper seeds have good germination, then after 3 - 4 days an embryo will appear. There is no point in despair if not all the seeds hatch. The normal indicator for germination of pepper seeds is 65 - 70%. Therefore, if 6 out of 10 showed viability, this is normal.

Seeds and lunar calendar

Novice gardeners complain that seed germination is poor due to the wrong sowing day. The lunar calendar cannot affect the germination of your seeds. If they are old, collected from unripe fruits, and stored at inappropriate temperature and humidity, then the night light cannot add germination energy to them.
To have your own opinion on this matter, wet the same seeds, but on different days according to the calendar, and you will see that many other factors besides the Moon are important for germination.

Sowing time

By the time of planting in open ground, pepper seedlings should be 55-60 days old.However, if you grow it in individual containers and replant it using the transshipment method, without destroying the earthen clod, then the timing of replanting is not particularly important.
If the seedlings are grown in a common container, and the transplantation is carried out without an earthen ball, then the period of 50 - 60 days is critical, and the pepper must be “younger” than this age.
It is a mistaken belief that if the seedlings have buds and flowers, then there will be an early harvest. During the transplantation period, the plant experiences stress and the flowers will not be pollinated. By delaying planting, you will lose the first fruits, and it will take time to restore your potential.

Sowing seeds

If earlier gardeners prepared soil mixture in the fall for sowing, now there is no need for this. Specialized stores sell universal soil mixtures for seedlings. These soils are balanced, nutritious and disinfected. By using ready-made soils, you are guaranteed to have good seedlings.
After filling the container, compact the soil. Place on its surface only those seeds that have shown a “point” of growth. Cover with 1 - 1.5 cm of soil. Spray with warm water from a spray bottle. Wrap in a plastic bag and place in a well-heated place. Pepper is a heat-loving crop; to get quick shoots, a temperature of about 30? WITH.
In 5 - 6 days the pepper will sprout. Now remove the bag and place the peppers in the brightest place, this will prevent them from stretching. During this period, the temperature should be lowered. Daytime is within 19 - 22, and night 17 - 18 degrees.
Features of sowing pepper

When two true leaves are well developed on the pepper, as in the photo, it will be ready for picking.
It is not difficult to sow and grow pepper seedlings, however, each part of the technological chain has its own characteristics, the observance of which will guarantee success.
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Comments (2)
  1. princessira
    #1 princessira Guests 21 August 2017 12:24
    Peppers are a sore spot in my garden. I buy ready-made seedlings and have never received a good harvest. After reading this article, I decided that I would try to do everything myself: from choosing seeds and their germination to studying the lunar calendar. Thanks for the valuable advice!
  2. Fomenko O.N.
    #2 Fomenko O.N. Guests 21 April 2018 19:40
    Thank you !!! Very useful tips.