Little roses

You can admire the beauty of a rose forever. In the garden, this plant blooms for only three months, and the rest of the time you have to enjoy exclusively purchased flowers. If you don't want to spend extra money on buying roses, then make them yourself. For such crafts a variety of materials will do. In this master class, the flowers are made of crepe (corrugated) paper. The roses turn out to be miniature, but at the same time very attractive.
If you have a desire to make such flowers, then arm yourself with the following materials:
  • crepe paper in yellow, red, orange and light green shades;
  • scissors;
  • a tube of PVA glue;
  • toothpicks (7 pcs.);
  • beads (7 pcs.);
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • miniature vase.

First prepare the base for future flowers. Take beads and toothpicks. Place 1 bead on each toothpick. If the bead has a hole that is too large and does not fit tightly on the stick, then use 2 toothpicks per bead.
Little roses

Now prepare the crepe paper. Take any shade of paper you have. You can take one color, but it is better to combine three adjacent shades. For example, red, orange and yellow.
Cut out a petal from a piece of cardboard - this will be a stencil for subsequent work.
So, cut a piece of crepe paper from the red roll. Attach the petal stencil to it.
Little roses

Cut several blanks along it at once.
Little roses

Now take a bead with a toothpick and PVA glue. Glue one of the petals in the center of the bead to hide the hole.
Little roses

Place subsequent blanks around the ball, first applying a drop of glue.
Little roses

This way you will gradually form a lush flower of a miniature rose.
Little roses

Use the same principle to make a yellow bud.
Little roses

Little roses

Little roses

Little roses

Little roses

Repeat this 5 more times. You should have 7 small roses.
Little roses

The next stage is making a cup with sepals. To do this, cut the light green crepe paper into small squares.
Little roses

Trim each corner of the square to make a blank like in the photo. A total of 7 such cups are needed.
Little roses

Glue them onto the flower by piercing the center with the bottom sharp end of a toothpick.
Little roses

Next you need to decorate the wooden sticks. To do this, cut a strip of light green crepe paper and cover all the toothpicks with it.
Little roses

Little roses

This is what the finished flower stems look like.
Little roses

And this is the appearance of lush, half-opened buds.
Little roses

All that remains is to place the bouquet in a suitable container. You can use a low narrow vase or take a decorative bucket made with your own hands from a plastic cup.
Little roses

The bouquet fits perfectly in it.
Little roses

The composition is ready!
Little roses

It won't take up much space on your shelf or desktop. But roses will delight you with their extraordinary beauty all year round. And if you drop a drop of rose oil into each flower, you can also enjoy the aroma.
Little roses
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
Comments (3)
  1. Lalika
    #1 Lalika Guests 21 August 2017 10:38
    An original bucket of flowers turned out! And if you use wooden kebab skewers instead of toothpicks, the roses will turn out taller and can be placed in a regular flower vase!
  2. MMddMM
    #2 MMddMM Guests 23 August 2017 23:36
    Just finished. my daughter and I did it to my mother present. But not roses, but tulips, the little one wanted it that way!
  3. qeeeq
    #3 qeeeq Guests August 27, 2017 00:24
    And I picked up some coffee sticks at the supermarket. I split it in half. Indeed, if it is higher, it looks better.