Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

I want to share with you my example of how I made a simple keyboard backlight for my favorite computer. This backlight does not shine into the eyes and has electronic brightness adjustment. It can be connected both to the power supply of the computer itself and to the bleach power adapter.

Making a backlight for the keyboard

The brightness adjustment circuit is simple and does not contain scarce parts.
Keyboard lighting

This is a regular analog regulator.

What do we need

Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

  • IRF840 transistor (you can take a bipolar one).
  • 22K resistor - 2 pcs.
  • Resistor 240K.
  • Variable resistor 100K.
  • 1-10 µF capacitor at 25 V.
  • White LED strip, approximately 35 cm.
  • A piece of thin aluminum profile.
  • Steel wire.
  • Wires.

Assembling the circuit

Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Everything is assembled without a board by surface mounting. If you want, you can do everything on the board.
Next, we glue the transistor to the radiator with a special heat-conducting glue or screw it on classically.
Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Let's check the assembled circuit in action. If everything is smoothly regulated, that's good.
Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

We will install the aluminum profile above the keyboard, on a steel wire, and glue it in any convenient place. For solidity, the steel wire is covered with black heat shrink.
Hot glue the regulator to any place you need.
Keyboard lighting

Keyboard lighting

Connecting the backlight to the computer system power supply.
Keyboard lighting

The result of the keyboard backlight

Without backlight:
Keyboard lighting

With backlight:
Keyboard lighting

Now the eyes are less strained and working in the dark has become much more comfortable.
Detailed assembly and demonstration of operation can be seen in the video.

Watch the video

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Comments (5)
  1. Alexander
    #1 Alexander Guests February 12, 2018 01:24
    I just hung (screwed) a spotlight LED (1 watt, warm light, 220V) eighty centimeters from the keyboard) on the cabinet (my cabinet is the side wall of the desktop, yours is a solid wall, judging by the wallpaper in the photo :-).
    Any interludes on the desktop will still lead to minimalization. Getting used to an old typewriter does not mean that you should change the angle of the keyboard (whatever I thought of!)
    Using hot melt adhesive to attach something is bad manners (permissible for “hurried” prototyping).
    A piano in the bushes. Show me a man in the street who has a field-effect transistor in the bushes... :-).
    You figNew solder? Why wind the wires around the legs?! I understand, there is no third hand... I always use small vices.
    1. AlexPanych
      #2 AlexPanych Guests 14 February 2018 10:39
      For some reason I couldn't insert the image right away :(
  2. Vladimir Filippov
    #3 Vladimir Filippov Guests 10 March 2018 20:08
    I made it simpler (the keyboard on my computer desk is on a pull-out shelf) - I glued several SMD-LEDs to the bottom of the tabletop. As a power source I use an unnecessary 12-volt power supply from an old phone. Its power is enough not only to illuminate the keyboard, but also to provide decorative lighting for the entire computer desk.
  3. Lachin
    #4 Lachin Guests 10 May 2018 16:16
    Hello. And I made it even simpler. I took a ready-made lighter with an LED. Now many people use it as a lighter for a gas stove instead of matches or unreliable electric lighters. I removed its filling and used it as a backlight. The main thing is that the lighting does not disturb anyone sleeping. Whichever is convenient for you. To adjust the light there is a visor above it. And if you want to do something thorough, something worthwhile, then set Light-emitting diode at the end of a plastic stick of round cross-section, it is advisable to make its surface matte. This is also a good solution. Thank you for your attention.
  4. Guest Victor
    #5 Guest Victor Guests 21 March 2020 13:08
    Why are schemes no longer in fashion?!