DIY room scents

DIY room scents

A fragrance, or air freshener, for a room is not an essential thing, but still, staying in the room with it is much more comfortable than without it. Especially if you have guests. A huge and varied number of all kinds of fresheners, flavors and so-called “stinkers” can be found on the shelves of household chemical stores. However, the quality stated on the label does not always coincide with reality: if one person likes a certain air freshener, then for another it does not cause any sensations other than a headache. It all depends on the chemical additives that were mixed with the base of this or that air freshener. Not everyone understands the names of chemical additives, therefore, they often buy a “pig in a poke” - such a purchase, of course, will not bring harm, but it will not bring much joy either. But you can always make a fragrance for your room or home with your own hands, with your favorite scents. The advantage of homemade flavorings is that you will know exactly what it consists of, and that it will not cause negative emotions among your loved ones or guests. I will give three options for how and from what you can make fragrances for rooms in an apartment.

Option 1

You will need:
  • A small container or box (I used a small birch bark piece).
  • A wooden block, 60-70 cm long and 1 cm thick (square or round).
  • Cotton wool.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Essential or aromatic oil (optional).

DIY room scents

To begin with, using a hacksaw, we cut the prepared block (although it would be more appropriate to say a strip) into centimeter pieces.
DIY room scents

If the lath is very rough, you can go over it with wood sandpaper. Then everything is as simple as shelling pears, put cotton wool on the bottom of the container (about one third of the container), drop 7-10 drops of the aromatic oil of your choice onto it, add chopped pieces of wood on top and drop another 7-10 drops of the same oil on them.
DIY room scents

DIY room scents

DIY room scents

The flavor is ready. You need to put it in some warm place so that it evaporates the oil more intensely. This could be a heating radiator, or a place near the system unit of a computer or TV. In general, any heat source.
DIY room scents

Option 2

You will need:
  • Small vase.
  • Raspberry branches. (Garden raspberry. Without thorns)
  • Fragrance oil.

DIY room scents

The second option is even simpler than the first! We cut the raspberry branches into pieces 18-20 centimeters long, drop 30-35 drops of aromatic oil onto the bottom of the vase, and lower the raspberry pieces into the vase.
DIY room scents

DIY room scents

Raspberry branches have a porous structure inside, like a sponge, which will perfectly release and distribute the odors absorbed by it. For such a flavoring, you don’t need a warm place - raspberries soaked in aromatic oil will smell intensely even at normal room temperature.
DIY room scents

Option 3

You will need:
  • Soda (tablespoon).
  • Flour (half a teaspoon).
  • Salt (teaspoon).
  • Fragrance oil.

This option is not so much labor-intensive as it is time-consuming.Here you need to show a little patience. So, mix soda, salt and flour in a saucer.
DIY room scents

DIY room scents

It’s better to take a bowl for this purpose – it’s more convenient. Stirring continuously, add water to the mixture. Bring to a stiff dough consistency. Next, divide the dough into lumps measuring 5-7 millimeters.
DIY room scents

DIY room scents

You can simply roll balls of the specified size. Now we leave these balls and lumps to dry. For a day. Thanks to the soda, these lumps are porous and will easily absorb the oil. After a day of drying, add a drop of aromatic oil, again chosen by you, to each lump. You can put these fragrant lumps in some linen bag and hang them in a warm place. I just laid them out on the radiator. Any of these methods will add comfort to your room and will pleasantly surprise your friends.
DIY room scents
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