How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

An excellent life hack for radio amateurs and more. For those who had to solder oxidized copper wires. This cleaning method can also be very useful for motorists. Main advantages: the method is fast, inexpensive, accessible to absolutely everyone.
Usually, in order to tin a wire, it is cleaned either mechanically by scraping it with a knife, or thermally - by heating it over an open flame. These methods are not always effective and even more convenient; for example, none of them are suitable for multi-core wires.
A chemical method for purifying copper and its alloys from natural oxide during long-term storage is well suited here.

Will need

Well, there is no need to indicate exact proportions; everything is mixed by eye:
  • Vinegar.
  • Baking soda.
  • Water.
  • Table salt, food salt.

All components can easily be found in any kitchen, even the worst cook.
You will also need mixing containers. I took two test tubes, you can use any container, glass or ceramic. In the end, plastic disposable cups will do.
Place half a teaspoon of soda in one test tube and salt in the other.
How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

We clean copper wires from oxide chemically

The whole process will take place in two stages: the first is etching in acid, and the second is neutralization.
Pour vinegar into a test tube with salt. And put water in a test tube with soda. Mix everything well. Well, as far as possible, since neither soda nor salt dissolve completely.
How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

Now we dip the exposed wire into vinegar and salt and wait.
How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

It is advisable to stir the salt in the test tube with a wire.
How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

Reaction time from 30 seconds to approximately 2 minutes. It all depends on the pollution. It may take 10 or even 20 minutes.
After the wire has been cleaned, we neutralize the effect of the acid by lowering the wires into a test tube with a soda solution for a couple of seconds.
How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

Next, the wire can be dried. The result is excellent. Copper shines bright pink.
How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

The advantages of the method are obvious - almost instant results without unnecessary steps.
How to quickly clean copper wire from oxide

Agree, everything is incredibly simple, the cleaning result is excellent.
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Comments (24)
  1. Guest Victor
    #1 Guest Victor Guests 26 November 2018 17:22
    Does the capillary effect bother anyone? That the acid will flow through the wire under the insulation, but there will be nowhere for the alkali to flow. And the well-deserved wire will quickly rot.
    1. Sector
      #2 Sector Guests December 6, 2018 11:18
      Yes, these are small things. The main thing is that the ends are tied up, but the author has not yet thought about the rest. This will be the subject of the next article.
    2. Guest Alexander
      #3 Guest Alexander Guests 6 December 2018 17:14
      It is important to understand the AMOUNT of acid. Even if it is absorbed, it will corrode micrometers on the surface, which will never affect anything!
      1. Pavel Kalina
        #4 Pavel Kalina Guests 6 April 2019 10:06
        When copper oxidizes, such rubbish as copper sulfate is formed. And the speed at which it eats wires is simply fantastic. Learn the hardware before writing
        1. Guest Nikolay
          #5 Guest Nikolay Guests 28 December 2023 16:41
          Copper sulfate, also known as copper sulfate. Yes, it will form. If you wash with sulfuric acid. So learn the hardware yourself before writing nonsense.
  2. Guest Victor
    #6 Guest Victor Guests November 27, 2018 11:57
    you take citric acid and solder. It’s simple
    1. Sector
      #7 Sector Guests December 6, 2018 11:19
      It's very simple. It needs to be more complicated.
  3. Guest Alexander
    #8 Guest Alexander Guests November 27, 2018 12:12
  4. Guest Victor
    #9 Guest Victor Guests 27 November 2018 22:41
    HCL+Zn=ZnCL2+H2 and that's it
  5. Edward.
    #10 Edward. Guests November 28, 2018 11:52
    Aspirin can be soldered immediately.
  6. Sergey
    #11 Sergey Guests 28 November 2018 15:31
    An aspirin tablet always helped.
  7. Petrovich
    #12 Petrovich Guests November 29, 2018 01:16
    “Usually, to tin a wire, it is cleaned either mechanically by scraping with a knife, or thermally - by heating over an open flame.” So, heating in an open flame will lead to the opposite effect - the copper wire will be covered with oxide-scale, and it will be impossible to tin it!
    1. Guest Alexander
      #13 Guest Alexander Guests December 3, 2018 03:17
      Apparently you have never fired copper. Try it. There are so many theorists.
      1. Sector
        #14 Sector Guests December 6, 2018 11:21
        Well, he didn’t catch the time when copper cables were pulled out of the ground, burned and carried to hand over. There is nothing left to pull out now.
  8. Guest Mikhail
    #15 Guest Mikhail Guests 29 November 2018 21:53
    The role of acid is clear, but why is salt needed?
    1. Sector
      #16 Sector Guests December 6, 2018 11:22
      And so that it would be.
  9. Guest Alex
    #17 Guest Alex Guests December 15, 2018 12:51
    acetic or citric acid, salt, hydrogen peroxide are an excellent composition for etching copper. Don’t dive with isolation, but lower as much as necessary.
    Rinse and solder.
  10. Guest Alexander
    #18 Guest Alexander Guests 16 December 2018 14:10
    There is nothing better than aspirin. The only thing to consider is ventilation. Aspirin fumes are asphyxiating