How to make a roof from plastic bottles

If you need to make a transparent rain canopy, cover an outbuilding or greenhouse, you can use homemade roofing material consisting of PET bottles. The technology for its production is very simple and quite fast, so if you have accumulated a large number of bottles, you can put them to use and get practically free roofing.
How to make a roof from plastic bottles


  • plastic bottles;
  • staples for a stationery stapler;
  • blind rivets.

How to make a roof from plastic bottles

Roofing material manufacturing process

The proposed technology involves the production of a wavy roof similar to slate or ondulin. To make it quite neat, it is advisable to use identical PET bottles. As a last resort, you can sort them and use identical bottles to make one wave.
To make roofing material, you need to evenly and accurately cut off the bottoms and pots of the bottles.
How to make a roof from plastic bottles

Then the remaining cylinders are cut lengthwise into 2 waves.
How to make a roof from plastic bottles

Having prepared a sufficient number of bottle halves, they need to be connected into long waves. To do this, they are folded with an overlap of several centimeters.On the sides, their double walls are connected by brackets. A stationery stapler is used for this. Each connection uses 2 staples. In this way, the halves are built up until a long wave equal to the roof slope is obtained.
How to make a roof from plastic bottles

Having prepared a sufficient number of waves, you need to connect them. To do this, they are applied parallel to each other. In this case, one wave should be turned outward, and the second inward. Together they seem to repeat the slate relief. After laying out the waves need to be connected. To do this, holes are melted in them with a hot soldering iron, and adjacent strips are pulled together with rivets.
How to make a roof from plastic bottles

How to make a roof from plastic bottles

The roof, after joining the strips with rivets, is a single contour. This allows it to be laid on the sheathing with a wide step between the stops.
How to make a roof from plastic bottles

How to make a roof from plastic bottles

This is a very important quality for sheltering a greenhouse or building a rain canopy, since the thin sheathing minimizes the loss of sunlight. Another advantage of the material, in addition to transparency and freeness, is the ease of installation on complex bevels. It is easy to trim and bend. Due to the elasticity of the wave, in some places it can be expanded or narrowed. You can easily connect roofing sheets with different wave directions. The main thing is to ensure that during installation there is a sufficient slope for the flow of water to prevent it from stagnating in the center, which will inevitably result in a leak.
How to make a roof from plastic bottles

How to make a roof from plastic bottles

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Vitaly
    #1 Guest Vitaly Guests June 7, 2020 00:21
    It would look harmonious in some African ghetto, but in general it looks terrible. And it won’t save you from any rain - it doesn’t even smell like airtightness.
  2. Alexey Rus
    #2 Alexey Rus Guests 7 August 2020 11:49
    The most annoying thing is that these bottles do not lose their properties for a very long time in the sun!...

    Why is it offensive?

    Because 10 years ago I “temporarily” filled a hole in a plastic slate with such a bottle... And that slate had already darkened and become brittle after 5 years, and a piece of the bottle even now, 10 years later, is like new!

    Question - why don't they make transparent slate from the same material as bottles??