There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

In the summer, as soon as you set the table outside in the shade, green flies immediately appear out of nowhere and begin to circle over the meat dishes. To forget about this problem, you can make an extremely simple trap and equip it with bait, from which not a single green fly will fly past.

What you will need:

  • plastic bottle with black cap;
  • paper clips – 3 pcs.;
  • thread;
  • meat trimmings, offal, liver or something similar, maybe rotten;
  • blood (if any).

The process of making and equipping a trap

The neck of a plastic bottle is cut off.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

A hole with a slightly larger diameter than the size of the fly is drilled in its lid. Next, the neck is inserted into the main part of the bottle with the cork down.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

Then you need to sew the parts together. To do this, they are pierced in three places with heated paper clips or an awl.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

The neck is removed, and meat trimmings, offal or spoiled meat are placed inside the bottle. If there is blood left after cutting the animal carcass, then it can also be poured.Water is poured from above so that in the center of the bottle there is an island of bait on which flies can land.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

The neck is then returned and the parts of the bottle are stapled together.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

A string is tied to the paper clips and the trap is hung outside somewhere in the backyard where it will not be in the way.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

After a couple of days, the bait will begin to emit a pleasant smell for flies. They will all fly towards her, and not towards the set table.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

The flies will get trapped through the hole in the lid and will no longer be able to get out. Soon they will drown. When the trap has worked, you can throw it away and make a new one in 5 minutes.
There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

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