How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Good afternoon dear friends. Let me present you with a photo review of installing a toilet installation with your own hands.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation


First, I unpack this device made in China.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Well, now about the installation location. I use a laser level to mark the clean floor, i.e. top of ceramic tiles. In the center of outlet 110 of the sewer pipe, I draw a vertical line on the wall, from which I will take all measurements for installation.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

The next step is to screw the wall mounting brackets to the installation frame; M8 internal threads are pressed into the frame itself for this purpose.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

We find a clean floor mark on the installation’s white cistern.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Next, from the mark on the cistern, I raise the installation for the toilet on supports exactly 1 meter from the clean floor shown by the laser.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

I align the structure horizontally and vertically using a regular level.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Now you need to connect the pipe that is included in the delivery set with the sewer pipe.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

After you have connected the sewer system, you can begin attaching the installation brackets to the wall, using what is included in the kit.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

I fasten the brackets to the concrete floor with 13mm bolts and screws.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Now I’m starting to install and attach studs with supports for a wall-mounted toilet to the wall; by the way, these studs are not always attached to the wall; there are other options.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

All the studs are fixed to the wall and “locked” onto the frame of the installation; it’s time to put cardboard tubes on them so that the threads are not covered up during finishing.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Don’t forget to insert technological plugs into the drain holes.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Now I’m starting to install the water supply for installation. The kit includes such a tap; I will supply polypropylene to it, and from it a flexible line to the filling valve with a float.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

I do all the piping with high-quality polypropylene pipes in order to minimize the likelihood of repairs over time. It is very expensive to break and restore. Miser pays twice.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

I put the polypropylene pipe in insulation, less condensation will form on the pipe, and accordingly there will be less water on the floor in the summer.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

And now I’m installing a technological plug for the period of finishing; later I will saw it off to the level of the tile to install the drain button.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

In the end, you should get this version of the bathroom.
How easy it is to install a toilet installation

Watch the video

Well, in more detail you can watch the installation of the toilet installation in the video:
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