Dry salting of red fish is much tastier than store-bought salting.

Nowadays you can easily buy salted red fish in the store. There is no shortage of salted trout or salmon. But still, fish salted yourself cannot be compared with purchased fish. And it will take a little time, and the process is not labor-intensive, but what is the result! The most delicate fish will become a welcome guest on your table. Try this pickling method, you will definitely like it.

What you will need:

  • red fish - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking time: 15 min. (not counting the time for salting). Yield: 1.2 kg.

Step-by-step recipe for dry salting red fish

You can salt any red fish in this way. Let's take char, for example. It is relatively inexpensive, has tasty juicy meat, and in terms of the amount of useful substances and microelements it is not inferior to its other brothers from the salmon family. For salting, we take a specimen that is not too large, about one and a half kilograms. We will salt using the dry method. Most often we have frozen fish in stock. First, of course, the fish needs to be defrosted.To do this, under no circumstances use hot water, a microwave or other heating. Only gentle thawing at room temperature. Thawed fish should be washed with cool water and gutted thoroughly. We cut off the head and tail.

We make a pickling mixture of sugar and salt. Don't doubt the amount of sugar - that's exactly what you need. We lay out the fish in a “book”, slightly cutting along the ridge. Sprinkle the pickling mixture inside and outside the fish.

No other spices are needed. No pepper, no bay leaf, no other spices. This is exactly the case when the simpler the better. The fish will be delicious without any additional tricks.

Salted fish should be wrapped in a clean canvas or linen rag, or in gauze folded in half. And put on a dish, as juice will form.

In this form, leave the fish for a day at room temperature. During this time, you need to turn it from side to side a couple of times. After 24 hours, the fish is ready to eat. It turned out to have a delicate, not too salty taste, juicy, with a delicate aroma. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator. The fish cannot be stored for a long time, but this is not scary: such fish does not sit for a long time and is eaten instantly.

Try cooking your own salted red fish and treat yourself and your loved ones to a delicious dish. Bon appetit!

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