How to cheaply make tiles for paths that are not inferior to store-bought ones

Stores offer a huge range of tiles for garden paths. Various sizes, colors and relief patterns. You can buy not ready-made tiles, but molds for making them. They are also presented in shopping centers in all their diversity. And if you show imagination and creativity, you can make tiles that none of your friends and neighbors definitely have. As a mold for its production, we use a plastic shoe tray with an embossed pattern of feet.

A budget-friendly way to make tiles for paths in a garden or vegetable garden

Mix the solution in the following proportion: 1 part cement to 2 parts crushed stone screenings.

For reinforcement we use metal or plastic reinforcing mesh.

To make it easier to separate the finished tiles from the mold, grease the tray with any oil. It is better if the oil is colorless, because when using automotive waste, the surface of the future tile may be contaminated. You can even lubricate it with ordinary vegetable food.

We place the reinforcing mesh in the forms and check that the forms are level.

We fill the trays with the solution, carefully level it with a trowel, and remove the excess.

To ensure that the cement mortar is evenly distributed over the mold, tap the edges of the tray with a mallet.

Leave to harden.

You can evaluate the completed work within 48 hours. This is how long it will take for the solution to be guaranteed to harden. Carefully remove the finished products from the molds and clean the edges of the concrete flash. The finished tiles should be laid on a sandy base.

Carefully level the sand, select all the pebbles so that the tiles on the path lie evenly and tightly.

Compact the sand and moisten it with water. When laying the tiles on the prepared place, tap them with a mallet to shrink them on the sand.

After laying, moisten the path again with plenty of water.

The work is finished. The result is excellent.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Sergey
    #1 Guest Sergey Guests 27 July 2022 21:56
    I greased the tile molds with all the recommended stuff until I tried my own version: I rub laundry soap on a grater and soak it lightly with water in a bucket. When the soap is completely soaked, I mix it and lubricate the molds with this suspension. No sticking, no streaks or stains on the tiles.