Do-it-yourself cheap mosquito net for a plastic window

The simplest frame mosquito net for a window with installation will cost at least 1,000 rubles. But it can be easily made from the remnants of a cable duct and a piece of mosquito netting, spending only 200 rubles. Such work can be done by any adult and even a high school student.

Will need


  • cable channel 10×15 mm;
  • universal superglue;
  • baking soda;
  • mosquito net panel;
  • 2 homemade metal fasteners;
  • screws.

Tools: plastic miter box with hacksaw, knife with replaceable blades, hammer, double-sided tape, plastic bottle cap, drill.

The process of manufacturing frame mosquito nets for plastic windows

Taking into account the dimensions of the window sash, we prepare mosquito net frame elements from a 10×15 mm cable channel and cut the ends on a miter box at an angle of 45 degrees.

We remove the covers from the frame blanks, and assemble the bases into a frame and glue them with universal superglue.

To ensure the strength of the joints, sprinkle the surface of the glue with a pinch of baking soda.

We glue the crossbar in the center of the frame, having previously made slots in the inner walls of the base of the cable channel.

Using a piece of double-sided tape, glue a plastic bottle cap onto the hammer head. This will soften the impact on the cable channel covers when installing them on the bases.

We cover the resulting frame with a small margin along the entire perimeter from the open side of the base of the cable channel. We cover the mesh with cable channel covers and install them in place, lightly tapping them with the head of a hammer with a plastic bottle cap attached. As a result, the mesh is firmly pinched between the base and the cover of the cable channel.

We cut off the excess mesh protruding beyond the edges of the frame along the entire perimeter with a knife exactly under the cable channel cover. Lastly, we cover the crossbar with a lid to provide additional tension on the mesh on the frame.

We attach metal fasteners to the edges of the crossbar using screws with the ability to rotate them. We open the window sash and press the frame mosquito net to the frame from the outside.

Then we turn and slide the free ends of the fasteners onto the frame from the inside, thereby fixing the mesh in the window opening. Now you can close the sash, open it slightly, or open it completely, without the mesh getting in the way. If necessary, the mesh can be removed by turning the latches.

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