3 options for making a reliable boss at the end of the cable

Throttle, clutch or brake cable lugs on vehicles may crack, become out of shape and pop out of their sockets when used for long periods of time or when excessive load is applied. Often the cable breaks under the boss or simply pops out of the seal. You can get out of a seemingly hopeless situation with the help of materials and means that seem to have nothing to do with the problem that has arisen.

How to make a reliable boss for a steel cable from a bolt with a diameter of 8 mm

We clamp the bolt in a vice, use a grinder to cut off a fragment of the required length, in which in the middle, using a drill and drill, we make a through transverse hole sufficient to pull the cable through it.

Then, using a larger diameter drill, we expand the original hole to a depth of 80-90%.

We insert the cable from the side of the smaller hole all the way through and bend the end 180 degrees. We squeeze it with our fingers and pliers, and push it into a hole of a larger diameter.

We clamp the boss in a vice and pull the cable with our hands so that its thickened part fits deeper and more tightly into the larger hole of the boss.We flatten the remaining thickened bend of the cable with a hammer and solder it with solder, which not only preserves the end of the cable, but also further strengthens the connection by filling the voids inside the hole and between the individual wires from which the cable is woven.

How to make a tightening loop on a cable and securely secure the end with a rivet

If, for example, a loop on a cable needs to be formed to wrap around a block, then the technical problem arises of how to secure the end of the loop. For this we use a rivet with a diameter of 6 mm, having previously removed the rod from it.

We cut off a fragment about 1 cm long and drill a hole from one end to a certain depth.

We insert the end of the cable from the side of the large hole, form the required size of the loop and insert its end into the small hole until it comes out of the large hole.

Next, using pliers, bend the end of the cable 180 degrees, tightly pressing the bend wires to the straight part of the cable.

We stretch the cable so that the bend fits into the drilled part of the tube made from a rivet.

At the final stage of this operation, the protruding parts of the cable bend can be driven into the hole using a hammer. Tighten the loop on the block and flatten the tube with hammer blows until the connection is firmly and securely fixed.

How to make a boss at the end of a cable using regular thread and superglue

Using some suitable tool, we separate the wires at the end of the cable in different directions.

Then we randomly wrap the resulting “umbrella” with threads until we get a tight ball and completely saturate it with superglue.

For reliability and strength, while the glue is not yet completely dry, sprinkle it with baking soda, alternating with glue impregnation.We wait until the superglue dries completely and the ball turns into a state comparable in hardness and strength to a stone.

All that remains is to process the arbitrary shape of the ball of thread, superglue and soda into the required shape using sandpaper.

To make the boss more aesthetically pleasing, we paint it with spray paint.

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