Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 354

Master classes:

Belyashi with meat

To prepare a delicious white meat with meat, we will need the following ingredients: home-cooked minced meat (40% pork, 60% beef) 500 gr., pepper, salt, onion 200-400 gr.

Mechanical toy - “Tumbling Bear”

This toy differs from factory-made mechanical toys in that it does not require either a factory or batteries, since it moves according to the laws of physics - the transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy. The main detail of the tumbling bear cub is

Matryoshka for teapot

The matryoshka doll has long been the hallmark of Russia. “Russian beauties,” as our guests from far abroad call them, delight the eye in any design: painted in wood, in clay and ceramics, and in colorful patchwork pieces made using the patchwork technique.

How to set the table beautifully

Recently, people have begun to pay more attention to setting the holiday table beautifully. A special romantic atmosphere can be created even with small means. Beautifully folded napkins will help you with this.


The kids and I finally decided to make kusudama, a Japanese ball of paper flowers. In ancient times, the Japanese made and hung such balls over the bed of a sick person to speed up his recovery. A collection of medicinal products was necessarily placed in the middle of the ball.

Roses on a ball – topiary

To begin with, we take the most ordinary napkins. I took snow-white ones, but you can take plain ones of any shade.

Shelf in Provencal style

Furniture and interior items in the Provence style are a fashion trend today. Perhaps someone would like to decorate their home with an interesting detail in this style. In order to acquire such an interesting thing, it is not at all necessary to go to a special store.

Tree of the knowledge of good and evil

I became interested in the type of applied, very ancient folk art “Vytynanka” quite a long time ago, back in 1992. At that time, Ukraine was just beginning to take its first steps towards the revival of culture and national identity. To the "stage"

Basket using 3D applique technique

Today I want to share with you how to make one of the options for a bouquet basket using the 3D applique technique.


What could be unusual about sausages in dough? And at least the way this sausage is wrapped in dough. The simplest technology is to simply put the sausage on a rolled out piece of dough and wrap it in a tube, but what if you try to get creative?

7 secrets of proper care of plastic windows

Although you are the proud owner of plastic windows, you should still take the time to maintain their dazzling appearance. There are several secrets that allow PVC windows to shine and please the eye at any time of the year.

DIY foot massage mat

Orthopedic doctors often diagnose young children with flat feet. Many people think that this diagnosis is made forever. In fact, flat feet can be treated with banal physical therapy exercises, massage and wearing the right shoes.

funny thorns

Perhaps the most difficult thing in cooking is cooking for children. For them, every detail is important, and children have special requirements for the appearance of the dishes offered. They need everything to be beautiful, interesting, fun... I have one such recipe in my

Flowers in a vase from a plastic bottle

It's nice to have flowers on the table in the room. They are pleasing to the eye. But fresh flowers quickly wither. No one will buy them all the time. And it’s unlikely that anyone would think of destroying city lawns. However, you can find a replacement for a living bouquet -

Carbonated drinks

People first learned about soda in the mid-19th century. Even then, people appreciated these fizzy drinks and drank water to quench their thirst. Surely, each of you drank sparkling water. In the modern market of soft drinks there is a huge variety of its varieties.

Ring pad

To make a beautiful and original pillow for rings we will need: a piece of satin fabric, scissors, cardboard, ruler, pencil, needle, threads, beads, beads, silicate glue or super glue gel, padding polyester (or any other) filler,

Mittens Puppet Theater

A puppet theater in which fairy-tale characters are made from mittens is a great way to diversify the holiday for kids or give adults the opportunity to feel like children again. Making a mitten doll is very simple. Below are

Crochet set - hat and scarf

I bring to your attention a master class on a crocheted set - a hat and a scarf. It is quite suitable for both winter and cool spring. The set looks original, and a small flower on the cap gives it some zest. It fits perfectly

Healthy casserole

I offer you a recipe for a delicious, beautiful and healthy casserole made from two types of cabbage. Even those who reject vegetables in all their forms will not refuse to try a beautiful summer dish. Due to its low calorie content, the casserole is ideal for dinner.

Computer control panel

It happens that you have a desire to diversify your daily life and change some process that needs to be performed daily and which you are already tired of. One of these processes is turning on or restarting the computer - a banal


Many of us prefer Japanese cuisine, among which the most original dish is probably sushi or rolls.You can prepare sushi at home; you don’t have to visit expensive sushi bars to satisfy your appetite.

Original postcard for March 8th

Nowadays the stores are full of postcards for any event, but the popularity of hand-made items does not cease to grow. Agree, it’s nice to receive a postcard on which the giver may have spent more than one hour creating it personally for you. Give a piece

Decoration of wedding glasses

In order to beautifully decorate the glasses we will need: baked plastic in 2 shades, 2 types of beads, beads, superglue, stained glass paints, a blank sheet of paper, a brush and, of course, the glasses themselves.

Onion rings

I offer all lovers of something new and original a recipe for Onion Rings, the simplest of the simplest, which does not require excessive expenditure of your money. For this you will need 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of beer, 2 large onions and