Rocking picture

A swinging picture created from scrap items can become an interesting interior addition to a child’s room. So, let's get started. We will need: white thick paper (or cardboard), scissors, paints, PVA glue, cocktail tubes, tape, plasticine, black felt-tip pen, baby food jar (can be replaced with a small flower pot), colored or wrapping paper, ribbon or bank rubber band. The versatility of this picture lies in the fact that you can safely replace any “ingredient”.
First you need to prepare the components of the picture. Think about what will be drawn on it. In this case, we draw a sun, an airplane and clouds on white paper. We decorate with paints.

draw pictures

Decorate with paints

Then let it dry completely and cut it out. Next, let’s work on the cocktail tubes; they will hold the picture on them. It is desirable that they match the color of the details of the picture. So, for example, a blue tube is suitable for an airplane, a white one for clouds, and a yellow one for the sun. If you don’t have tubes that match the color, you don’t need to run to the store to look for them - you can use paints. Mix the appropriate color with a small amount of PVA glue and apply it to the tube (for convenience, fix them in plasticine).

cocktail straws

Now it's time for the base of the picture.To secure the picture to the bottom of the jar, you will need plasticine. Roll a ball of suitable diameter for the bottom of the jar. So that the original vase does not remain naked, let’s dress it up. Take colored or wrapping paper, like this one, and wrap it around the jar. Trim off the excess and secure the paper with ribbon or a rubber band.

a kind of vase

Now you can assemble the picture. We attach the tubes with tape to the back of the drawing and fix them into plasticine.

paste pictures

we fix them in plasticine

We put everything we have into a jar, and the swinging picture is ready!

Rocking picture

Using the same principle, you can make other paintings: with a bird, flowers, or with fish and corals.
come back
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