Handmade greeting card

Recently, handmade cards have become very popular. If you do handicrafts, then creating a greeting card will not be difficult. If you are not involved, you can purchase many scrapbooking kits in specialized stores that are available to everyone.
In this master class you will learn how to combine scrapbooking And quilling, creating a three-dimensional postcard. Quilling involves twisting thin and multi-colored strips of paper, which turn into various patterns, flowers, etc.
To create such an original postcard you need glue, scissors, paper strips for quilling, a blank for the postcard and decor (at your discretion).

Need glue, scissors, paper strips

You also need a tool for twisting strips, which can be found at any craft store. As you can see, it has a forked tip.

make tulips and butterfly

We will make tulips and a butterfly using the quilling technique. The master class uses 5 leaves, 9 stems and 9 tulip heads in three shades. Let's look at how to create each detail step by step.
1) Insert a strip of paper into the middle.Fastening the strip well at the beginning, wind it to the end. When you twist, do not tighten too much - the leaves should be voluminous.



2) Pull out the tool by turning it a little in the opposite direction. We leave the workpiece on the table and let it bloom as much as possible.


3) Making sure that the end is at the bottom of the fold, we create a leaf shape. Secure the end with glue. We create 5 such leaves.


4) It is necessary to prepare the stems. Mode: strip paper into pieces of different lengths. We cut each segment so that one edge is sharp. The tulip head will be attached to the sharp edge.


5) Let's make flowers. There are special rulers for quilling, where the holes allow you to create rolls of the desired size, but you can also use a regular ruler or by eye, if you don’t have one.
We make rolls of the same size (9 pcs.). Give them the shape of a flower. First we squeeze the base, and then the top, imitating an open tulip.

Let's make flowers

6) Before assembling the entire composition, glue the stems to the leaves. It is important that the sharp ends are at the top and the blunt ends at the base of the leaves. Roughly imagine where your composition will be on the card, how best to arrange the leaves and tulips.
When the leaves are glued, we glue the stems to the card blank. Apply the side that will be glued with glue. If the glue is visible, it’s okay, it will dry and will not be noticeable.

coat with glue

7) Now glue the tulip flower blanks to the edges of the stem. If necessary, bend the edges to give a beautiful shape and glue them to the flower.

card with tulips

8) Let's make a butterfly to complete the composition.Let's twist two regular rolls of the same size and two more slightly larger ones, only at the same time we will glue two strips of different sizes. In this master class, we twist the light one first so that it is in the center. We will also twist a regular roll tightly, without unraveling it, but immediately sealing it - this is the head of the butterfly. And we will make antennae, twisting the ends.

make a butterfly

Forming butterfly wings. First we create the shape of a droplet, then the shape of a volumetric triangle for each wing.

make a butterfly

We collect the parts of the butterfly by gluing them to the card.

butterfly using quilling technique

9) Add the rest of the decor and the card is ready!

Greeting card quilling
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Alina
    #1 Alina Guests 23 October 2014 20:36
    Super, very subtle and interesting work