Hot stand

Beautiful wooden coasters can be an excellent gift for any holiday. These handmade items will decorate any table and are sure to attract everyone's attention. Making original coasters is not at all difficult, you just need to put in a little effort.

Before you start work, you need to prepare:
- six wooden blanks (you can cut them out of plywood yourself or purchase them at a specialized store);
- watercolor;
- pencil;
- acrylic lacquer;
- brush with synthetic bristles No. 3 (for painting);
- round brush with synthetic bristles (for applying varnish);
- eraser;
- a device for burning;
- container with water.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start creating stands:

materials and tools

1. On the first blank, draw a dahlia and a border around the edges with a pencil;

draw a dahlia with a pencil

2. On the second blank, draw a border and draw a rosehip flower;

draw a border

3. On the third stand, depict strawberries, daisies and a border;

draw with a pencil

4. On the fourth blank, draw raspberries and a border;

draw with a pencil

5. On the fifth stand, draw a sprig of rowan berries, lingonberries and a border;

draw with a pencil

6. On the sixth blank, draw a rosehip and a border;

draw with a pencil

7. Turn on the burning device and wait until the tip heats up.Then carefully burn the outlines of the dahlia and border onto the first piece;

Burn it out

8. Burn out all the other supports, carefully tracing the pencil outlines with the tip of the burning device. Then turn off the device and use an eraser to remove all pencil lines;

Burn it out

9. Prepare watercolor paints for work by lightly moistening them with water. Then paint the stand with the rosehip on it. To make the color more saturated, apply several layers of paint to the flower petals. Paint the border with light brown paint;

Paint the workpiece

10. Paint the second stand, which shows strawberries and chamomile. On the leaves, mix green and yellow paint to achieve smooth color transitions;

Paint the workpiece

11. Paint the dahlia blank. Paint the tips of the flower petals with white paint, and their main part with pink;

Paint the workpiece

12. Then paint the blank on which a sprig of rowan and lingonberry is burned;

Paint the workpiece

13. Paint the stand on which the raspberries are burned;

Paint the workpiece

14. Paint the blank on which the rosehip flowers are burned;

Paint the workpiece

15. Wait until the coasters are completely dry. Then apply a layer of varnish on them with a brush;

Apply varnish

16. Leave the pieces to dry for several hours until the varnish becomes completely transparent.

Apply varnish

Beautiful coasters for hot dishes, on which flowers and berries are depicted, are completely ready. They can be given to friends or family, because presentDIY items are especially highly valued by loved ones.

hot coasters
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