Nylon flower

How often do we find that our favorite tights tear? This happens especially often with children's tights. Agree, this is very offensive, especially if the child once put them on. As you understand, it’s not possible to sew up tights, but it’s a shame to throw them away. Therefore, today we have prepared a master class in which you will learn how to give tights a second life and make a beautiful flower. You can use it as a brooch, a hairpin, or make several flowers and you will get a real bouquet.

  • Nylon tights
  • Scissors
  • Wire
  • Beads
  • Stack
  • Threads
  • Tape

Let's start:
To begin, we will make blanks for the flower; to do this, we cut off 25 centimeters of wire and wind it onto a stack, intertwining the ends with each other.

make a ring

Cut out a piece of tights slightly larger than the blank. We place the wire ring on the tights and cover the workpiece with nylon.

put it on the nylon

tie a petal

We tie it with threads or wire quite tightly and trim the excess ends a little.

tie it up

Using this principle, we make 4 more petals for one flower.
We make the middle from beads. To do this, cut the wire and string 4 beads, twist the wire and arrange the beads as shown in the photo.


We collect our flower, if necessary, bend the petals a little. We twist all the ends of the wire.
In principle, the flower is ready, all that remains is to decide what to do with it next. If you want to make a bouquet, you can wrap the wire with tape. If you want to make a brooch, then wrap the wire around a pin and cut off the excess wire at the end.

Nylon flower

Nylon flower
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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