Making and decoupaging candles

The New Year's atmosphere on the festive table is always created by additional accessories that complement and truly enrich the holiday called the New Year. This holiday is magical in its own way, which is why you need to celebrate it with special magical accessories and decorations. For example, you can decorate not only the New Year’s tree, but also hang tinsel, bright garlands, New Year’s boots everywhere, lay out a beautiful festive tablecloth and put on the table beautiful New Year’s candles that you can make yourself.
Now we will first make the candles themselves, and then we will decorate them using technology decoupage.

To make candles we take the following:
  • Paraffin;
  • Wick;
  • Wick holders;
  • We will use two glass cups as molds;
  • New Year's three-layer napkin for decoupage;
  • Iron bowl for water bath;
  • Gold glitter;
  • Gold acrylic paint;
  • Flavoring "Needles";
  • Lighter;
  • Tablespoon;
  • Scissors;
  • Several white napkins;
  • Toothpicks.

decoupage candles

we take the following

We take several pieces of paraffin, put them in a metal container and place them in a boiling water bath on low heat.So that the paraffin melts gradually, but be careful not to boil. While the paraffin is melting, let's prepare the wick.



We cut two pieces of wick as long as the height of the glass with a margin of two centimeters so that the wick remains on top of the candle. We insert each piece of wick into the holder, lower it into the center of each cup and lower it onto the toothpicks. Make sure that the wick is strictly in the center and touches the bottom.

wick shape

We place the prepared containers

We place the prepared containers on napkins so as not to stain the surface. The wax has already completely melted, you can fill the molds.

the tips of the wick remained on top

Fill the glasses so that the tips of the wick remain on top. Add two drops of pine fragrance into each glass.

Filling the glasses

Fill the cups with paraffin

We leave the candles to harden for about 1.5-2 hours. Before removing the candles from the molds, they need to be placed in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. They then fall out of the cups well. While the candles are cooling, prepare a napkin. We use scissors to cut off the designs we need.

two drops of pine fragrance

preparing a napkin

Now remove the topmost layer from each piece. Now carefully tear apart one decorative element at a time. This makes it much more convenient to glue them to the surface of the candle.

preparing a napkin

remove the top layer

We took out the candles, let's start decorating. Heat a tablespoon with a lighter.

remove the top layer

let's start decorating

Place the picture on the candle and run a hot spoon over the picture. The napkin begins to merge with the candles. So in a circle we take the next picture and the next. Next we look at the places where there is no decor and, tearing off individual pieces of the napkin, glue them to the places we need. So we glue both candles.

let's start decorating

Attach a picture to the candle

Now we draw snowflakes with gold glitter and make dots with gold paint. We make a gold rim on top of each candle. The glitter hardens in about 20-30 minutes and the candles are ready.They will look very beautiful on your New Year's table and fill your home with the aroma of pine needles on a festive night.

Attach a picture to the candle

They will look very nice

They will look very nice

decoupage candles
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