Christmas wreath

Christmas wreath

What will you need for work?
- Flexible thin branches (they can remain after autumn cleaning and pruning of bushes in the garden)
- Wood-colored thread (not too thick, sewing thread is also suitable)
- Thick thread (light color or white)
- Satin ribbon
- Lighter or matches for burning the tape
- Cones
- A small sheet of cardboard
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Needle

needed for work

Well, let's begin! The first step is to create a base - a ring of woven branches. To begin with, take larger branches and form a circle out of them, securing them firmly with thread. Don't worry if the circle turns out to be more like an uneven ellipse - this won't be noticeable in the future and you'll end up with a circle.

let's take larger branches

Next, we add new branches, clinging them to the thread and branches that are used as the basis.

adding new branches

We braid a ring with each branch, approximately as shown in the diagram.

braid the ring

Gradually adding more and more branches, we will get a voluminous ring.

gives the ring an intricate look

This weave gives the ring an intricate and unusual look.

making a loop

Now we will braid a ring of branches with a thick thread, making a loop by which it can be hung from the door or to any object in the house as a holiday decoration.

take the tape

Next, we take the ribbon, having previously singed one end of it, and begin to wrap it around the ring.

singeing one end of it

At the top, in the place where the loop is located, we tie a bow.

tie a bow

The next step is to cut out paper angels that will add a winter feel to the wreath.

Draw the silhouette of an angel on a sheet of cardboard (you can find and print a ready-made one), fold the sheet in half and cut it out. Thus, we get two silhouettes of Christmas angels.

cutting out paper angels

We make a hole in the silhouette with a thin needle and thread it through which we will attach the angels to the wreath.

thread the thread

You can immediately tie the thread to the cones.

tie the thread to the cones

Now we put it all together and get a charming Christmas wreath.3.jpg

Christmas wreath

Good luck with your crafts!
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