
When you wear a black and white dress to a party, or a black and white suit to a business evening, you always want to add some extra zest to such an outfit. This is either a hoop, or a brooch, or a hairpin, or some kind of necklace or something similar. For example, what would go with a black and white outfit? The white decoration is somehow official, but the black one, on the contrary, is very gloomy and unfestive. But you can combine white and black colors and create a two-color accessory that will not only complement your outfit, but also reflect it. Now let's try to make such a hairpin all together.
You need to take the following:
• Approximately one meter of satin ribbons with stars 25 mm wide in white and black;
• Black satin ribbon 5 cm wide, about 5 cm long, we will use it to decorate the bottom of the hairpin;
• White acrylic cabochon for decorating the center of the flower;
• A small sheet of white cardboard;
• Glue gun;
• Scissors;
• Pencil;
• Lighter;
• Ruler;
• Metal hairpin;
• Tweezers.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Everyone knows that the dahlia has sharp petals, so let’s start making them.Our flower is two-color, so we take a ruler, pencil and scissors and cut blanks for the petals. We measure fifteen pieces of 7 cm long from white tape and cut them. We measure seventeen 7 cm pieces from black tape and cut them as well. We take a lighter and burn each piece along the edges one by one.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Making white petals. We take one piece of tape, fold it in half lengthwise, take a ruler, and divide the folded piece in half.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Make an even cut with scissors. We clamp the cut section with tweezers.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

We burn the cut with a lighter, move it well with the lighter and pinch it with tweezers, then press it further with our fingers and straighten the petal.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Now we take tweezers, bend half of the petal outward and burn it, as in the photo, then we wrap the other side and bend it in the same way and burn it with a lighter. We get this petal. We do this for all fifteen white petals.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Now we make black petals. Fold it in half lengthwise, divide the petal and make an even cut at an angle.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

We hold it in tweezers, burn it well with a lighter, press it well again with tweezers, and then straighten it.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

First we turn one side out, and then the other, and cauterize it. The petal is ready, we also make all the other black petals.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

The petals are ready, now let's prepare the base. We cut out a circle about 2-2.5 cm in diameter from ordinary white cardboard, and cut out exactly the same circle from a wide black satin ribbon.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

We glue the lowest row onto the cardboard circle with a gun, and just a short distance away we glue seven black petals in the lowest row. Now we glue the second row of white petals, glue them between the black ones and also glue seven of them.In the third row we get six black petals, and in the fourth row we get six white petals. In the very top tier, we glue the remaining petals at our discretion, alternating them by color. Thus, the flower acquires a magnificent shape. Glue a white cabochon in the center.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Glue a black circle on the bottom to hide imperfections and cardboard. All you have to do is glue the hairpin and you're done.

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

Dahlia using kanzashi technique

We get such an elegant bow-hairpin. Thank you all so much and good luck with your production!

Dahlia using kanzashi technique
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