Lamp made from old disks

Don't know what to do with old or damaged CDs? Here's a great idea.

How to make such an original lamp.

you will need: a bunch of old disks, a blue fluorescent lamp, a standard lamp for it, from which you will need to take a starter, and a housing.

So, let's begin.

The most difficult thing in the design of this lamp is making the body. It will have to be done either on a lathe or cut out these round pieces from fiberboard or plywood. You can also use anything that suits us in form. There are many options)

The lamp starter must be secured inside the housing.

You can also make a switch.

The assembled lamp should look something like this.

Looks original! And suitable for almost any interior.

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Comments (2)
  1. ji45da
    #1 ji45da Guests 10 August 2017 11:51
    Old CDs stashed somewhere in a box or on a dusty shelf in a closet are a common occurrence, but with a creative approach, there are so many things you can make from them! Great idea. It may be difficult for an unprepared person to find the building, but everything can be solved. There would be a desire)
  2. Felicity
    #2 Felicity Guests 22 August 2017 13:19
    Wow! I need to pitch this idea to my brother, he has one wall decorated with laser discs, I think it will look cosmic in combination with such a lamp.