Sweet rolls with protein-sugar cream

Sweet pastries are always a holiday for the family. Those housewives who often pamper their household with delicious treats know that with homemade products, tea drinking is doubly tastier and more desirable. This recipe for delicious rolls with delicate cream will surprise everyone at the table. The dough and cream go well together. Ruddy, airy tubes are a real miracle. Once you try one, you can't stop!
Required products for cream:
- 50 ml – water
- 10 g citric acid
- 2 squirrels
- 180 g sugar.
Required straw base products:
- 100 g margarine
- 3 eggs
- 70 ml water
- 15 g white sugar
- 15 g table salt
- 350 g bread flour
- a packet of instant yeast.
Additional Ingredients:
- yolk (for lubrication)
- sweet powder (for decoration)
- butter (for baking).
Step-by-step dough preparation process:
1. Prepare margarine in advance. It should be at room temperature. Place it in a convenient container.
Sweet straws

2. Break the eggs there.
Sweet straws

3.Pour in water. It is necessary that the liquid is warm, but not hot.
Sweet straws

4. Add salt and sugar.Equal proportions of these ingredients will allow the dough to acquire a neutral taste.
Sweet straws

Sweet straws

5. Add yeast.
Sweet straws

6.Add flour. There is no need to sift this product. It will fit perfectly as is.
Sweet straws

7.Knead a thick dough.
Sweet straws

8.Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Then cut into strips. The thickness of the strips should be about 10 cm.
Sweet straws

9. You need to wrap the dough on regular rolled paper. Place the products on a baking sheet. You need to put parchment on it in advance and grease it with oil.
Sweet straws

10. Coat the products with egg yolk. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
Sweet straws

Sweet straws

Preparation of cream:
1.Pour water into the pan. Turn on the stove.
Sweet straws

2. Immediately add sugar.
Sweet straws

3.Add citric acid. Bring the mixture to a boil.
Sweet straws

4.Beat the egg yolks separately. You need to beat them well to get a thick foam.
Sweet straws

5.Pour the syrup from the pan into the whites. Beat for another 5 minutes.
Sweet straws

6. Fill the tubes with the prepared cream. Sprinkle them with sweet powder.
Sweet straws

Sweet straws

Sweet straws

Sweet straws

Bon appetit!
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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