Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

In the “Baking” section of any cookbook there must be at least one recipe for pancakes, because this dish is so popular in our country. It is perfect as a breakfast for the whole family, and will also serve as an excellent dessert for tea. You can eat them with various additives: sour cream, condensed milk, jam, butter and sugar, there are tons of options for every taste. Pancakes prepared according to this recipe always turn out tasty and fluffy and are very easy to prepare.
To prepare pancakes you need:
  • 2 glasses of kefir.
  • A pair of chicken eggs.
  • Flour 250 grams.
  • Half a glass of sugar.
  • A little soda.
  • A little sunflower oil.

It is customary to take various fermented milk products and even water as the basis for the dough. But the most delicious pancakes are made with kefir. You can even use slightly sour kefir; it will not only not spoil the dish, but will also make the pancakes more fluffy.
The main rule is to cook from kefir at room temperature. After all, dough mixed on a cold base does not rise well. You can heat the base in a water bath or take out the kefir in advance and bring it to a warm state.
Add two eggs to warm kefir and beat with a fork or whisk.
Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Then add sugar, soda and flour sifted through a sieve.
Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

The flour must be sifted, this way it is saturated with oxygen and makes the pancakes more airy. The dough must be mixed until smooth and let sit for 20-30 minutes until bubbles form.
Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Once the dough is ready, it should not be stirred under any circumstances. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil well and carefully lay out the dough using a spoon.
Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Pancakes need to be fried over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.
Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Lush pancakes are ready.
Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Bon appetit!
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Comments (3)
  1. Olga
    #1 Olga Guests 6 August 2017 14:17
    Mmmm...what delicious pancakes) I love them with strawberry jam and condensed milk. I will definitely make this recipe.
  2. Polinka2008
    #2 Polinka2008 Guests 29 August 2017 18:50
    I often have kefir left over. Sometimes I throw away leftovers because I can’t figure out what to do with it. So the recipe came in handy.
  3. Guest Vladimir
    #3 Guest Vladimir Guests 14 April 2018 23:35
    It's like that. But I'm changing the recipe a little. I only add yolks to kefir. Beat the egg whites with a mixer along with sugar (3 tbsp) and salt (1 tsp) until it becomes eggnog. Add to the dough, stir, add 1 tsp. sodaThe rest (frying) is the same.