Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Hello, dear site visitors. You can make many different beautiful and interesting things with your own hands from beads and threads, for example, curtains for door or window openings and a lampshade (chandelier) to decorate a lamp in a room.
The range of thread curtains and curtains is very diverse: they can be made from beads and beads, buttons, sequins, braid, small figures made of polymer clay, and modern products can even be decorated with particles from CDs.
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Curtain and lampshade made of beads

First I will tell you about making a curtain or curtain for a window or door. To make it we will need:

- Small multi-colored beads;
- Compact discs (CD or DVD);
- Metal scissors;
- Reliable glue and tape;
- Durable copper wire of thick or medium thickness;
- Rail (cornice) or strong braid as a base;
- White threads.

When starting work, we first take something that could be suitable as a base. This thing should be slightly longer than the window frame. First we decided to take a rail consisting of two parts that fold together:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Next, we take a thick wire and unwind a part from it equal in length to the length of the rail. We insert this part of the wire inside one of its parts:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

After this, we need to tie threads up to 70 - 80 cm long to the wire. About 40 pairs (77 pieces), and then connect the rail with its second part, which should hide the wire inside and compress the threads tightly:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Then we glue cut-up CD particles to the threads in a zigzag line and apply small beads.
You need to cut CDs using wire cutters or special metal scissors, because regular scissors can break; The particles need to be glued with reliable glue or tape. Many discs, when cut, fall apart into their component parts and particles fly away, which you need to be careful with. These particles will then need to be glued together:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

We decided to make the following patterns:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Curtain and lampshade made of beads

It took us about 3 months to create this decoration. We ended up with a curtain like this:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

After completing the work, we decided to make a second version of the curtain from beads, on a base made of strong braid. First we selected a strong braid:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

In order for the distance between all the threads to be the same, you need to calculate it by measuring the length of the braid and dividing it by the number of threads:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Next, using a needle, we sew all the beaded decorations on threads to the braid from its reverse side (not from the bottom, otherwise the knots will be visible):
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

After all the threads have been sewn, small loops can be attached to both ends of the braid in order to hang the finished curtain by nails at the window or in front of the door. If there are no nails, then you can pin it to the wall with large push pins:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Now we get down to making a chandelier (lampshade).
First we take a piece of thick plywood, on which we need to draw a circle shape, and then cut it out. To draw an even sample, you need to use any round object, for example, a lid:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

The basis for a chandelier made of wooden plywood can be used if a non-overheating (energy-saving) light bulb is lit inside the future chandelier.
Next, inside the figure you need to draw a second circle and cut it out:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Now we take CDs:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

With the particles cut out of them, you need to paste over the plywood base on both sides (top and bottom), leaving small free areas at the edges so that you can trim it with braid with beads on threads:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

If desired, the craft can be covered with rhinestones on top of the particles, and the narrow unpasted areas on the sides can be painted with varnish.
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Next, we paste over the base from the second side, also leaving small free areas around the edges:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Now we are finishing decorating crafts rhinestones and getting ready to sew on the braid.
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

It is not difficult to sew the braid to the plywood base; the needle passes through it without much difficulty.
Threads with beads that are too long must be shortened by 4 times (cut), since the beads strung on them can be too heavy and bend the base down. We decided to sew the braid on the side covered with rhinestones. The finished chandelier may slightly block the illumination of the lamp, and therefore, when making it, it is undesirable to use beads with darkened tones:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

When finishing sewing, the excess fabric of the braid must be trimmed and the edge should be burned with a match or lighter so that the threads of the braid do not fall apart:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Then on the other (reverse) side we need to hide the seams by covering the outside with particles from CDs.Gluing them is a little more difficult because of the knots in the threads.
This is what the side looks like now:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

This is what she looked like after processing. Some particles still “bounce”:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Next, we need to take two long (about 30 cm) ribbons or laces and connect them in the middle. These laces will need to hold the chandelier to the lamp wire.
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

We need to bend two long laces in half and sew a round lock and a ring to their middles (sew the lock on one side and the ring on the other), but if there is no such lock, you can take a plastic clip. This is necessary so that the finished chandelier rests securely on the lamp wire. We used a plastic clip and couldn't find a round lock with a ring:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Next we sew the laces to the chandelier braid.
It is impossible to remove the black tips from the laces; it would be better to leave them. They will be able to slightly hide the scorched areas of the braid:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Curtain and lampshade made of beads

This is what the finished craft will look like:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

This is what it looks like hanging from a light bulb:
Curtain and lampshade made of beads

Curtain and lampshade made of beads

After that, that's it - our handmade chandelier is ready.
Curtain and lampshade made of beads
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