Master class on making a clip “Bouquet of tulips”

To create the decoration “Bouquet of Tulips” you will need the following materials:
- large hair clip.
- silver brocade ribbon 25 mm wide.
- stamens with large beads on the edge.
- white cabochon, 12 mm in diameter.
- white satin ribbon with a width of 25 mm.
- thermo gun.
- scissors.
- sewing thread and needle.
- lighter.

Making decorations.
First you need to prepare 10 cm long pieces. They will be needed to create tulip buds. A total of 6 such parts should be made.
clip bouquet of tulips

Then you need to make pieces 6 cm long. They will be needed to make the outer petals of each flower. A total of 6 such segments need to be prepared.
clip bouquet of tulips

Next you need to start creating flowers. To do this, you need to take one long piece and singe its sections with a lighter, protecting them from shedding. Having placed the piece horizontally in front of you, turn it wrong side up. Then the corner of the left edge must be bent to the edge line.
clip bouquet of tulips

The created angle must be folded in half.
clip bouquet of tulips

Now you need to thread the sewing thread through the needle and tie a knot at the edge. Then you need to use a needle to make an even stitch of small stitches. The seam should be laid from the edge of the corner, while simultaneously securing its folds.
clip bouquet of tulips

The stitching should run along the entire part, not reaching the edge 2 mm. The second singed edge of the segment must also be wrapped, completely repeating the steps on the left side.
clip bouquet of tulips

Without cutting the thread, you need to pull the created stitch a little and make two tacks.
clip bouquet of tulips

Now, starting from the corner, the piece should be twisted into a soft tube; the remaining thread should be used to secure the position of the tape. After making several fastenings, the thread can be cut.
clip bouquet of tulips

It turns out to be a small bud, from the remaining 5 long pieces you should make the same blanks, repeating each action exactly.
Now you need to make petals from the remaining small sections. To do this, take one piece, place it horizontally in front of you and turn in the corners on both sides. Holding the part in this position, you need to use a rune needle to make a simple stitch running along the edge strip.
clip bouquet of tulips

The stitch should be pulled together and several securing knots should be made so that the petal retains its shape.
clip bouquet of tulips

The resulting petal should be secured on top of one of the prepared buds. After sewing on the petal, the thread can be cut.
clip bouquet of tulips

It turns out an unopened tulip bud. From the remaining segments, you should prepare the same single petals, which then need to be secured to the buds.
The result will be beautiful tulip flowers.
clip bouquet of tulips

Now you need to make leaves for the flowers. For this you will need a silver brocade ribbon. From it you should prepare 5 pieces of 10 cm each.
clip bouquet of tulips

These segments need to be folded in half along their length, additionally squeezing the fold line with your fingers.
clip bouquet of tulips

Next, remove the corner by cutting it diagonally from the fold line to the upper left corner.
clip bouquet of tulips

The resulting edge must be singed immediately, simultaneously soldering two layers of tape and protecting the fabric from fraying.
clip bouquet of tulips

The resulting sheet must be straightened, giving it volume.
clip bouquet of tulips

The created tulip bud should be glued into the middle of this leaf.
clip bouquet of tulips

From the remaining ribbons you need to make the same leaves, in the middle of which you should glue flowers.
clip bouquet of tulips

Now you can start assembling the decoration. Taking a piece of white tape 8 cm long, you need to singe its sections and place it face down. One bud should be attached to its left edge.
clip bouquet of tulips

On two sides of the flower you need to glue two stamens with large beads on the edge.
clip bouquet of tulips

On top of the stamens, on both sides of the bud, you need to secure the flowers.
clip bouquet of tulips

clip bouquet of tulips

The remaining three flowers must be secured in one row, covering the junctions of the first buds with them.
clip bouquet of tulips

A small edge of the base tape was left untouched, it will be useful later. Now you need to prepare a large bow for decoration.
To do this, you need a piece of white tape, 16 cm long.
clip bouquet of tulips

It should be turned inside out and the middle should be marked by drawing several lines with a pencil.
clip bouquet of tulips

Towards the middle of the segment, you now need to wrap the edges of the tape, slightly overlapping them.
clip bouquet of tulips

Having folded the part, you need to hold it with your fingers.
clip bouquet of tulips

Using a needle and thread, you need to sew through the middle of the part.
clip bouquet of tulips

Now you need to pull the thread tightly and secure the seam.
clip bouquet of tulips

It turns out to be a small bow. Next, you need to make a small bow from a 5 cm piece of silver ribbon.
clip bouquet of tulips

All that remains is to combine these two bows by gluing one on top of the other.
clip bouquet of tulips

Now you will need two 6 cm pieces of white ribbon to create the tails of the bow.
clip bouquet of tulips

Their edges need to be cut at a slight angle and immediately scorched with fire.
clip bouquet of tulips

Then, placing the parts one on top of the other, they should be glued together.
clip bouquet of tulips

The resulting tail must be attached to the ribbon of the base of the decoration.
clip bouquet of tulips

Next, it remains to secure the prepared double bow.
clip bouquet of tulips

The middle of the bow must be complemented with a white cabochon.
clip bouquet of tulips

On the reverse side, the prepared bouquet should be supplemented with leaves made of silver ribbon.
clip bouquet of tulips

A large clip must be attached on top of the fixed leaves, positioning it along the decoration.
clip bouquet of tulips

All that remains is to unwrap the bouquet and straighten the leaves and flowers.
clip bouquet of tulips

The bouquet is ready!
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Angelinka
    #1 Angelinka Guests 22 August 2017 23:33
    Very beautiful! Thank you for such a detailed algorithm of work. It always seemed to me that such jewelry was made by some kind of wizards. It turns out that it is possible to learn easily if you want, especially with such a detailed description.