Bright bow with a flower for hair

To create a bow with a flower you will need:
- medium-sized hair elastic.
- satin ribbon in lilac and pink shades, at least 50 mm wide.
- ready-made stamens of green and pink flowers.
- cabochon with a diameter of 12 mm.
- silver rhinestones with a diameter of 3 mm.
- scissors.
- satin ribbon in green and lilac tones, 25 mm wide.
- lighter.
- thread and needle for handwork.
- ruler.
- thermo gun.
Creating a bow.
The decoration consists of a bow and a flower. Each of them must be created separately. It’s better to start by making a flower. First you need to prepare identical parts from wide ribbons of lilac and pink shades, with sides 50x50 mm. In total, you will need 6 lilac and 4 pink blanks.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

You need to make even petals out of them. Taking one piece in your hands, you need to turn it face up.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Then bend it diagonally, simultaneously dividing it in half.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Now the two sides of the cuts should be folded and held in this position with your fingers.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

The edges turned out a little uneven, so you need to trim them with scissors.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Now this edge needs to be strongly melted with fire to fix the folds.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

You will get an oval petal.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Next, you need to make the same parts from the remaining blanks.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Now they need to be connected, pink petals in pairs, and lilac petals in three pieces.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

From the resulting blanks, you should collect two flowers, connecting lilac and pink petals together. As a result, one flower should have 5 petals.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Next you will need leaves for them. To do this, you need to prepare 6 cm long pieces of green tape. A total of 20 of them will be needed.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

All leaves must be created separately. Having taken the first segment in your hands, you should turn it with the front side facing you.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Then fold it in half, covering the front side inside. The fold strip must be left closer to you.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Now from the edge of the fold and towards the upper corner, the part must be cut diagonally, dividing it in half.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Continuing to hold the part with your fingers along the new cut, it must be carefully treated with fire, while simultaneously soldering two layers of green tape. The resulting workpiece must be turned out.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

You will get a pointed leaf. From the remaining segments you need to make the same leaves. The finished leaves can be moved to the side and continue working with flowers. Next you will need stamens of pink and green shades. They should be combined with glue into small bouquets consisting of 4 green and 3 pink stamens. You will need 4 similar bouquets.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

They should be attached in 2 pieces to the flowers, located on the bottom side.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Now the leaves can be attached to the flowers. They need to be glued in two rows. The first level consists of 5 leaves. They should be attached between the petals.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

In the second row, the leaves must be fixed directly under the petals, but slightly pushed forward.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

The result is a flower surrounded by leaves. Using the remaining leaves, repeating the entire sequence, decorate the second flower.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Now you need to make a bow. To do this you will need a narrow tape. They should be prepared in lengths of 20 cm.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

For two bows you will need 6 pieces. First, the cuts of all long pieces need to be singed.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Then their edges need to be combined, slightly overlapping one on top of the other, resulting in a circle.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Now, using a needle and thread, the folded ribbon must be stitched in the middle.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

By pulling the thread along the seam, the tape is folded, and after securing the thread, you can cut it off. It turns out to be a small bow; the same ones must be made from all the prepared long pieces.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Taking two of these bows, you need to sew them together. And do this action with another pair of bows.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

The remaining two blanks need to be attached on top of the double bows, matching the middles.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

The results are beautiful and lush bows. It remains to glue the finished flowers to their middles.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

At the bottom of the bows you need to attach elastic bands that match the color of the decoration.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

Having unfolded the bows back, attach two rhinestones to the petals of the flowers, and cover the centers with a cabochon.
Bright bow with a flower for hair

The end result is two beautiful bows!
Bright bow with a flower for hair
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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