Beautiful women's shirt for the spring season

As the mid-spring and summer season approaches, people gradually change their clothing preferences from warmer to cooler. Already from mid-April you can meet people wearing sleeveless shirts (in the southern regions of Russia). And in this article we will show you how to make a beautiful summer women’s shirt with your own hands and save money on buying it in the store. At the same time, you can even “give new life” to things that are stored in your wardrobe but not used.
To work, you need to take: blue synthetic fabric (you can take lycra or fiber), a measuring tape, matching threads, a needle, light translucent blue fabric (you can take frills), as well as beads, tweezers, scissors, needles and an elastic band.
Starting work, we obtain the necessary data on the size and length of the future shirt, after which we make two samples from paper: a sample of the front side of the future shirt and a sample of the back side.
After this, we need to take the fabric and, according to the data obtained, cut out two parts from it, to the upper side of which we will need to sew frilly decorations made from thinner fabric, or frills.
You can buy frills in a special store, or you can use a sewing machine and sew them yourself from thin translucent fabric. But if you have a thing at home - a piece of clothing that does not find any use, but it is a pity to throw it away - then you can take it to work.
Our item turned out to be the skirt of a minidress, which was not used for a long time because it was too short. The dress retained its fresh look and it was a pity to throw it away. We decided to use the skirt, decorated with frills, cut off from the dress as the top part of the shirt:

women's shirt for spring season

After cutting the skirt, I leave a small piece of fabric at the top (allowance) for stitching. After this, we take an elastic band that needs to be sewn inside the allowance.
The length of the elastic should be slightly larger than the circumference of the head, so that the finished shirt can be comfortably put on over the head.
Now I sew the upper part of the skirt, inserting the elastic inside:

women's shirt for spring season

You can use a sewing machine for sewing, but if you don’t have one or you can’t use one, you can sew the shirt by hand.
The elastic band inserted inside must be sewn at the ends. After this processing, the former skirt will look like this:

women's shirt for spring season

Now we take synthetic fabric and paper samples.
We shorten the paper samples at the top in accordance with the length of the trimmed skirt (by about a quarter) and using these samples we cut out two parts from the fabric according to the size of the chest and waist. After this, we mark the areas where the arm holes will be and sew seams along the edges, folding the seam allowance inward. We don't need to sew the upper edges of the sleeves together:

women's shirt for spring season

After that, we sew them with the former skirt, turning it inside out, and form a shirt. To widen the sleeve sections, we make slits in the sides of the lower part of the former skirt and sew seams on them:

women's shirt for spring season

Next, we fold two strips of medium width (1.5 cm) from thin fabric. These strips will need to be carefully sewn to the bottom of the shirt. We will need to trim the allowance fabric and fold it several times before stitching.

women's shirt for spring season

Next, I trim off the excess fabric in the arm hole areas, leaving some seam allowance. And then, having folded the seam allowance sections several times, I sew them together.
After sewing the stripes to the bottom of the shirt and shortening the sleeves, it will look like this:

women's shirt for spring season

We turn the resulting shirt inside out:

women's shirt for spring season

Now we cut out three short and one long strips from thin fabric to make a bow.
Having folded the strips evenly, you need to make seams on them: one longitudinal seam (long) and one cross seam (short). Also, for each strip you need to leave one side unsewn in order to then turn them inside out:

women's shirt for spring season

After sewing the strips, they need to be turned inside out using tweezers:

women's shirt for spring season

We sew two short strips at the ends, and sew only the tip of the long strip:

women's shirt for spring season

Now we need to make a figurine of seven rows of four beads from mother-of-pearl beads and threads. This figure will have to tie the strips in the middle, forming a bow:

women's shirt for spring season

After all the strips of fabric are tied in the center with a beaded decoration, we will get a bow like this:

women's shirt for spring season

If the sides of the bow will not stay in a “standing” position, they need to be sewn at the ends at the back:

women's shirt for spring season

Once the sides of the bow are sewn together at the back, the finished bow will look like this:

women's shirt for spring season

The finished bow needs to be sewn to our almost finished shirt, and after that the work with it will be completed:

women's shirt for spring season

This is how our shirt will look after trying it on:

women's shirt for spring season

women's shirt for spring season

Sincerely, Vorobyova Dinara.
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Comments (1)
    #1 IRINA CHERNYAKOVA Guests August 22, 2017 09:54
    I sewed a shirt like this for my daughter, used an old lace skirt as frills and chose a T-shirt to match it. My daughter really liked the resulting blouse and wears it with pleasure all summer.