Delicate curd donuts

Donuts, also known as donuts, are one of the most popular desserts in the whole world. In different regions, the recipe for preparation and serving options may differ, but the basic principle is the same everywhere - these are round mini buns, deep-fried.
Making donuts at home is not difficult even for novice housewives. And the recipe proposed here will allow you to prepare not only a tasty, but also a healthy dessert, because it will be based on cottage cheese.
Delicate curd donuts

You will need the following products:
  • Cottage cheese – 1 pack (180-200 grams),
  • 1 large egg (C0),
  • Sugar – 100 grams,
  • Wheat flour - about 300 grams,
  • Baking powder – 5-7 grams (1 serving sachet).

Delicate curd donuts

To get the perfect dough, first mix cottage cheese, egg, sugar, baking powder and most of the flour (200-250 grams). The dough will be very soft and probably stick to your hands. Add the rest of the flour gradually, kneading the dough until it begins to stick to your hands, but is still tender and soft.
Delicate curd donuts

Next, let the future donuts “rest” - put the dough in a plastic bag and leave it in a cool place, maybe in the refrigerator, for about 20 minutes. The dough will become “obedient” to work with.
Delicate curd donuts

On a work surface, roll out the dough to about 7-10 mm thick.
Using a special mold or a regular cup, cut out round doughnuts. Keep in mind that during frying they increase quite significantly in volume.
Delicate curd donuts

You can leave the donuts just round, or you can cut out the centers. Again, either special molds or improvised means, for example, caps from plastic bottles, will come to the rescue. Collect the dough remaining after cutting out the dough into a bun and use it again.
Delicate curd donuts

Donuts are deep-fried. In a cafe setting they are prepared in large deep fryers. At home, in order to use oil more economically, it is better to fry donuts in a small ladle.
Pour at least 1-1.5 cm of oil into the dish. Then the donut will be half immersed in it. You can check the temperature of the oil using a small piece of dough. Dropped into heated oil, it should float almost immediately and fry quickly, but not burn.
Fry the donuts on one side first.
Delicate curd donuts

Then on the other side. This happens very quickly, literally 20 seconds on each side, so don’t go far from the stove.
Delicate curd donuts

First place the finished donuts on a paper towel to allow excess oil to drain into it. You will be surprised, but donuts made at home will be almost fat-free. The oil is almost not absorbed inside. Therefore, such a dessert can be safely called healthy.
Delicate curd donuts

Place the finished donuts on a plate. In principle, you can already enjoy it.
Delicate curd donuts

Or you can sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. If you use regular powder, it is better to sprinkle the donuts just before serving. But now there is so-called “non-melting” powder on sale. It can be used immediately after preparation.
Delicate curd donuts

Despite their apparent complexity, donuts are quick and easy to prepare. And the result is guaranteed to please you.
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Comments (3)
  1. Olga
    #1 Olga Guests 6 August 2017 13:44
    Cottage cheese baked goods always turn out tender and airy! And these donuts simply melt in your mouth. My ideal breakfast is cottage cheese donuts and coffee with cinnamon.
  2. ji45da
    #2 ji45da Guests 10 August 2017 12:14
    What could be more tempting than warm cottage cheese donuts? Just cottage cheese donuts covered with powdered sugar. An irreplaceable pastry for tea.
  3. Aliaska
    #3 Aliaska Guests 22 August 2017 23:40
    I usually make donuts from condensed milk, but this recipe is better! I really love cottage cheese pastries.