Super-fast lightly salted cucumbers in a jar in 15 minutes

Juicy cucumbers with a pleasant aroma can be served 15 minutes after they are prepared. This spicy cucumber salad will help you diversify your everyday table, and it won’t be out of place on a banquet table. A minimum of ingredients and time to create a snack - and after 15 minutes you can take a “test” of a new and original recipe.

For this pickling, you can use fruits of any size, the main thing is to chop them into pieces of the same thickness. This will help each piece of cucumber be salted evenly.

These super-fast cucumbers can be served with any side dish, chops, chickpea cutlets, or added to a variety of snacks, canapés, salads, sandwiches, burgers and rolls. They will enrich any dish with their delicate, characteristic taste and pleasant aroma of herbs and garlic.


  • - cucumbers (330 grams);
  • - salt (5 grams);
  • - dill (1/2 bunch);
  • - garlic (1-3 cloves).

A quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers

1. Chop the greens, cleared of sand and dust, into thin slices (2-3 mm).This will help us salt the entire product evenly.

2. Chop the prepared dill sprigs with a sharp knife blade. To enrich the taste of the recipe, we can be creative: replace the usual dill with leaves of basil, mint and even cilantro.

3. Chop the garlic extracted from the husk. We adjust its rate depending on the desired spiciness of the snack and personal preferences. We can also add crushed cayenne pepper to the preparation.

4. Add salt.

5. Carefully combine all the products so that each piece of cucumber is saturated with spices and salt.

6. Place the finished mixture in a dry container, close the lid and shake it several times. We repeat this process several times in 15 minutes. After 15-20 minutes, we enjoy super-fast lightly salted cucumbers or use them to make various dishes.

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