Decorative composition of branches

Decorative composition of branches

During the last cleanup, in order to combine business with pleasure, I collected dry branches. I had the idea to paint the branches in snake color and make a decorative composition out of them for the upcoming Year of the Snake. As a result, I simplified the idea so as not to overload the craft with bright colors. It turned out simple, but, in my opinion, elegant. Judge for yourself.

To make this composition I needed:
Dry branches - curved and straight,
Spray paint in three colors,
Acrylic paint red,

As it turned out, the branches that fell from the fruit trees turned out to be more gnarled and curved. I only took a few of them. It is necessary to cut off the branches from the branches with pruning shears and approximately align them all in size.

Using spray paint, paint the branches in several neutral colors. I used matte grey, silver and black. It must be said that the paint consumption when painting branches is really high, so it is more advisable to paint them together, in an armful, rather than one by one.The painted branches can already be laid out individually so that they dry faster.

Using bright acrylic paint, we apply a snake pattern to individual branches. In my case, these are red stripes. Again, I wanted to color all the branches, but found it overly intimidating. The craft in gray, black and red colors fits quite harmoniously into the interior. The vase also needs to be neutral so as not to distract attention from the composition. Crystal or glass works great.

If you are not afraid of these reptiles, try to implement the idea of ​​​​a serpentarium, where each stick will be painted in the colors of a certain type of poisonous snake. It should look bright and scary!

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