How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

Fresh natural pomegranate juice is very useful for immunity, as well as blood restoration. Unfortunately, in purchased form it is just a tasty drink, and not a storehouse of vitamins. If possible, it is better to squeeze the juice from fresh pomegranate yourself.

What you will need:

  • several pomegranates;
    How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

  • boiled water;
  • knife;
  • cup.

The process of squeezing pomegranate juice

The grant is placed on the table, pressed with the palm of your hand and rolled for 1-2 minutes on all sides. It is necessary to destroy the shell around its seeds.
How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

Rolling out the fruit will be accompanied by a crunch. You need to roll until the sound stops, then knead with your fingers until the hardness disappears completely.
How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

A puncture is made on the side of the pomegranate with a knife. Be careful, it may splash.
How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

Then it is placed with the hole on the glass and compressed.
How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

After rolling, the bones inside will remain empty, so all the liquid will flow out.
How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

In this way, one pomegranate will yield almost 0.5 cups of juice concentrate.
How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

Since it is very acidic and can cause heartburn, it should be diluted with boiled water.If desired, add sugar to taste.
How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

How to squeeze a glass of pomegranate juice in a couple of minutes without a juicer

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Comments (1)
  1. Sapnov
    #1 Sapnov Guests December 12, 2020 19:00
    This way it turns out to be under-extracted, several fruits are untouched. you need to peel the fruits and place them in zip bags with a rolling pin or a bottle, carefully roll them out, then simply drain the juice through a tea mesh and discard the pulp. and load a new portion of fruit into the bag.