Soap from remnants: the simplest recipe

Multi-colored fragrant soaps are an excellent basis for a new piece of detergent. They make soap from leftovers for a variety of reasons, including a desire to experiment, a love of handicrafts, and simply a desire to save an extra fifty dollars during a difficult period for the family. Probably, such primitive soap making could be recommended for inclusion in a home economics course for girls, it is such a simple and useful activity.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe


  • Remnants – 100 g.
  • Water – 50 ml.


1. Grate pieces of toilet soap. Some of them can simply be chopped with a knife - in this case, multi-colored inclusions, like confetti, will decorate the future creation.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

2. Pour the crushed product into a container for cooking detergent. When the volume of starting material is small, up to 200 g, preference should be given to dishes with a small diameter, otherwise the soap base will simply be smeared on the walls during the melting period. An option is a tin can with processed edges and a liter ladle or saucepan.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

3. Pour warm water over soap shavings, stir and leave for 20 minutes to swell.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

4.Boil the soap in a water bath until you obtain a homogeneous consistency. This usually takes about 15 minutes.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

5. Spread the mixture into silicone or plastic molds, pre-greased with a drop of vegetable oil.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

After an hour, remove the cooled and hardened soap from the molds.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

Dry it for three days, wrap it in parchment paper and put it in the pantry until you need a new piece of detergent.
Remnant soap is the simplest recipe

Read how to make a toilet freshener from soap debris -
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