How to prepare Petrovsky kvass without yeast

Kvass in itself is an excellent drink for quenching thirst, but it is also the main component of another irreplaceable dish in the summer heat - okroshka. Let's prepare one of the types of delicious kvass according to an old recipe called “Petrovsky”.

Making kvass without yeast

To do this, we prepare in advance good quality crackers from Borodino bread in the amount of 150-200 grams. The crackers should not be too burnt and should be completely fried inside.

Transfer them to a three-liter jar. Add 6 tablespoons or approximately 100 grams of sugar.

We prepare kvass without yeast. Instead, we use about 10 pieces of light and dark raisins, which are not washed, since they contain natural yeast.

Fill the contents of the jar with slightly chilled boiling water at a temperature of approximately 70°C in an amount of 2.7 liters, so that during fermentation the kvass does not overflow over the top of the jar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in the container, first of all, so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

We cover the top of the jar with gauze folded in several layers, and put the dishes in a plate just in case. If the kvass goes on top during fermentation, it will end up in the plate.We put our semi-product in a warm place for about three days.

During this time, the fermentation process usually ends. We begin to strain the kvass through a sieve, into which we place gauze in several layers. We separate the third part from the crackers remaining in the first jar and use it as a starter for preparing the next portions of kvass.

Add 2 tablespoons of natural honey to the strained kvass, mix thoroughly, and taste. We also add 8-10 raisins and a small piece of horseradish to the finished drink to taste. It can be grated or finely chopped with a knife. Horseradish and honey give kvass an incomparable taste.

This kvass is very good for making okroshka. Close the jar with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours. During this time, it will become carbonated, rich in taste and beautiful in color. Horseradish will give it some spiciness and a slight bitterness.

Kvass turns out to be moderately sweet and sour, quite tart and incredibly tasty.

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