Salting aromatic lard

Salting lard does not require any special skill. Usually small pieces are rubbed with salt and left for a couple of days. To diversify the taste, use spices and seasonings. Increasingly, lard is salted with a layer of meat. It is more nutritious and has a rich taste.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of lard. Pork fat contains fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. With its regular use, the immune system and cardiovascular system are strengthened. It is used to prevent ARVI and pneumonia.

Salting stages

The first thing you need to do is buy lard. The fresh product has an even white or pinkish color. If you pierce it with a knife, it will go in softly, like butter. The skin is flexible and thin.

There are many recipes for salting lard used in cooking, but they all have a classic basis.

To salt half a kilo of lard you will need:
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 5 pieces;
  • 0.5 teaspoon each of black and red ground pepper.

The lard must be washed after purchase. Clean the skin with a knife under running water. This will remove dirt and remaining blood from it. Afterwards, dry the lard thoroughly with a paper towel. The dry product should be salted. After salting it will be denser.

On a wooden board, cut the lard into convenient cubes. There is no need to grind it too much. The piece should be 3-4 cm wide.

Afterwards, rub each block with salt. Combine the spices on a separate saucer, then apply to the lard.

Place the pieces of lard in a deep container, pressing them tightly against each other.

To make it more fragrant, place a bay leaf and slices of fresh garlic between the cubes. The latter can be placed in the lard itself, after making punctures with a knife. Some housewives put carnation umbrellas in the holes they make, but this is more for an amateur.

Cover the container with lard with cling film and leave on the table for a day. After this period, place the product in the refrigerator for a day.

To extend the shelf life of lard, wrap each block in cling film and place in the freezer.

Salting options

In addition to black and red pepper, when salting lard, you can use smoked or sweet paprika, ground coriander, and saffron. To save space in the refrigerator, lard is sometimes salted in a jar.

Lard cooked in brine turns out delicious. In this case, use ready-made store-bought seasoning. It contains all the necessary ingredients. The lard is cut into small pieces. Place a little seasoning on the bottom of the jar, a couple of cloves of garlic, a ring of chili pepper, a few pieces of lard on top, then repeat the layers. A brine is made from water and salt in a saucepan. When it cools down, add lard. After three days you can serve it.

Lard cooked in brine is stored for 3-4 months in the freezer. Prepared by dry salting for up to 30 days.

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Comments (2)
  1. victor
    #1 victor Guests April 28, 2021 10:59
    I first tar the store-bought lard with a burner 2 times until it’s black. Then put a good layer of coarse salt on the lard, salt it for 3 days, if there is a lot of meat you can salt it less. Then rinse well, roll in dry seasoning, cover with stretch film and put in the refrigerator. The fastest and most reliable way.
  2. victor
    #2 victor Guests 14 June 2021 12:51
    The most important thing is to buy good lard, usually the whiter the lard, the tastier it is, fresh, I don’t know what color it is, I haven’t come across it for a long time.