How to make a check valve from PVC pipe

To prevent an unpleasant odor from occurring in the toilet, it is recommended to install a special valve that would close the pipe when the water does not drain. You can make it yourself and the procedure is described below.

Required tools and materials:

  • Plastic pipe;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Metal wire;
  • Hand tools – pliers.

Do-it-yourself check valve for a sewer pipe

Wrap the pipe with a piece of paper and place a mark on it in the place where the parts overlap. This will be the circumference transferred to the paper. Next, you need to bend the sheet in half and leave marks on the pipe: two opposite ones, on the edges of the sheet and at the bend.

Next, you need to measure the diameter of the pipe and set it aside at two marks along the pipe. To get a straight line, it is better to use a square. When the lines are ready, you need to set aside 1 cm from their lower points to the left and to the right and draw a straight line similar to the first one. These will be the cut lines.

Then you need to use a sheet of paper as a pattern and connect the corners of the resulting lines and the mark on the opposite side. The piece of paper will help you make a smooth line, which will also serve as a marking for cutting.

Using a grinder you need to cut the edge of the pipe along a curved line in both directions. Having reached straight lines, you need to cut not along the center line, but along two parallel ones. The cut should be as smooth and precise as possible. Upon completion of work with the grinder, you should get a shaped cut along the circumference of the pipe and one straight piece of plastic at the top.

For the next stage of work you will need a hair dryer. A piece of plastic pipe, approximately 15 cm, needs to be cut lengthwise. Use a hairdryer to heat the protruding part of the plastic strip on a large piece. It is necessary to heat at the base and, when softened, it must be bent in the opposite direction at the same angle as the overall cut of the pipe. It is necessary that the angle line coincides with the cut along the pattern and with the curved part of the plastic.

The workpiece cut lengthwise must be heated so that it can be leveled into an even plate. To do this, you can use a chipboard panel or other solid fabric. To make it cool faster, you can wipe it with a wet cloth.

To ensure that the cutting line of a large workpiece is smooth, you can rub it against concrete or asphalt - all irregularities will be erased and the edge will be smooth.

From the leveled workpiece you need to cut a part that would be the size of the cut on a large pipe. To do this, you can use a marker to outline the edge of the cut pipe. On the resulting marking you need to set aside 1 cm on each side of the outlined tail section. It is necessary to make the edges in such a way that there are valve shanks on both sides, and in the center there is a bent part from the pipe.

The shanks must be bent so that the central one is bent forward and the side ones - back. A metal bracket can be used to connect these parts into one valve. It needs to be placed between the shanks. To make the plastic bend better, it needs to be heated with a hair dryer.

To install the valve on a pipe of larger diameter, you can use a hairdryer to heat the back of the plastic pipe and shape it with a pipe of the required diameter. Thanks to good heating, the plastic will become soft and pliable.

When it has completely cooled, the valve can be installed on the drain pipe. For a better connection, you can use silicone or sealant.

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