How to make a small and elegant Christmas tree

A small Christmas tree from papier mache can be made in a couple of days: one day will be needed to make the paper blank and dry it, and one day to paint and decorate.


  • cardboard box of 1 dozen eggs;
  • PVA glue – 25 g tube;
  • cardboard cover from a school notebook;
  • acrylic paints (or gouache);
  • glue gun


1. Tear the cardboard box into pieces and soak in boiling water. After a few hours, squeeze out the cardboard, grind it with a blender and combine it with 1-2 tablespoons of PVA glue.

2. Fold the notebook cover into a cone and secure the shape with a stapler; cut off the excess cardboard.

3. Starting from the bottom row, glue pieces of papier-mâché onto the cone, additionally lubricating the attachment points with glue.

Dry the Christmas tree.

Roll small balls from the same mass to make Christmas tree decorations.

4. Paint the Christmas tree with green paint, and cover the balls with paint of different colors.

5. Glue the balls onto the Christmas tree using hot glue. At the tips of the “spruce paws,” paint dots with white paint to imitate snowflakes.

The Christmas tree is ready!

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