Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 273

Master classes:

An easy way to eliminate computer noise

Serviceable and clean computer equipment makes noise during operation, but it is so insignificant that it resembles a blow of wind. The same cannot be said about PCs and laptops that need to be cleaned, lubricated or repaired. Noise should not distract the user

hair clip "Monica"

Every day, girls carefully choose their outfits, complementing them with various accessories. One of them is hairpins, because one small detail can ruin the entire appearance. Each piece of jewelry should be unique and special. Exactly

Deep lens cleaning

You can extend the life of contact or colored lenses by periodically cleaning them with a peroxide solution. It cleans, disinfects and neutralizes all types of lenses. There are quite a few peroxide solutions on the market today, and each and every

flower tree

For work you will need: • Beads - lilac, red, brown, • Wire - thin and thick, • Beads - pink, • Floss threads - green, • Auxiliary materials - electrical tape, cup, alabaster. The main crown of the tree is made of lilac

Decorating the bracelet

This master class will clearly demonstrate how to make an elegant, colorful and bright mosaic from eggshells on an ordinary and unsightly bracelet. Jewelry made using this technique will certainly highlight your uniqueness. Materials for

Gift packaging “A Million Scarlet Roses”

Women of any age are pleased to receive flowers, and receiving a bouquet, which is also a gift wrapping, is doubly pleasant. This master class will clearly demonstrate how to use colored and corrugated paper to pack in an original and beautiful way.

Wine bottle packaging

Many of us, when going on a visit, don’t mind taking a bottle of wine with us. Of course, you can simply pack it in a special wine bag, but if you like to make original, beautiful and unusual gifts, this master class is just for you.

How to paint a cherry in watercolor

Drawings made with watercolors are vibrant and light. Not everyone can learn professional painting. It all depends on several factors: - the time you will spend on training; - abilities that are embedded in

Wedding invitations

The most exciting holiday in the life of every girl is, of course, a wedding.Each one tries to decorate this day in some special way, so that everything fits together and at the same time does not catch the eye. In most weddings

Cardboard box theater

New Year's holidays are over. The candies are eaten, the gifts are unpacked. The Christmas tree still stands decorated with balls and garlands. From under the thick crown, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are watching what is happening with the family. Soon their parents will hide them in a box and put them away

Diet chicken sausage

Having decided to eat healthy, you find that you have to give up many of your favorite foods. These include such universal sausages. After all, a piece of boiled sausage was an excellent solution for a quick breakfast or

Handmade scented candles

Since time immemorial, handmade products have always been considered rare and rare, since not everyone can do something with their own hands. This requires certain skills and tips, and most importantly, a person has a little thinking and

Angel made of cotton pads

Good day to all. Many people use cotton pads for their intended purpose. What else can you do with them? You ask, and I will answer you that if you use your imagination, then you can create beautiful things from ordinary cotton pads,

How to update your favorite box

Almost every woman has this magical chest. It contains her joy, beauty and good mood. It contains your favorite, bright, stylish and unique jewelry and more. And if over time, at the sight of the box, the woman stops feeling

Pastry cones for baking

The very popular “Cream Rolls” cakes require a base on which strips of dough will be wound. You can prepare many different desserts from all kinds of dough using this cone shape as a base.


A dragonfly made using the modular origami technique is quite simple to make. Making it will take a little time, but you can decorate the interior with a beautiful bright figurine. If all the triangular particles are glued together, then the dragonfly can be used in

Crochet peacock applique

Beautiful knitted decoration for children's clothing! Crocheting a peacock is very simple. This is a bright and unusual addition to any sweater, knitted dress or tunic. For knitting it is necessary to use the natural colors of this bird - blue, yellow,

Matchbox chest of drawers

Such a simple and affordable material as a matchbox can be a great idea for creating doll furniture. You can use them to make a table with chairs for tea drinking, a sofa with armchairs, or even a chest of drawers for dolls in pink. So

Matchbox chair

You can make beautiful doll furniture with your own hands from ordinary matchboxes. These include sofas, chests of drawers, tables, and even armchairs. Thanks to simple materials and tools, even a child can make furniture for dolls. This will serve wonderfully


Necessary materials: - red tape 2.5 cm wide - 1 m 50 cm; - green ribbon 5 cm wide - 25 cm; - red hair elastic.Tools: - scissors; - tweezers; - cautery on wood; - glue gun.

Decorating a children's cake

I want to share my experience in decorating a children's cake with sugar mastic. It’s difficult for me to call this a master class, since I don’t consider myself a master. Everything I learned to do, I found on the Internet, and this cake is not my idea at all, it

Roses made from cotton pads

Good day to all. Since you are reading my article now, it means that you love making various beautiful things with your own hands and you came here for inspiration and new ideas. Well, what should we start creating? Today we will make roses from cotton pads. For


Any housewife wants everyone in her home to feel cozy and comfortable! Very often we are confused by the smells in a particular room, for example, the smell of medicine in the bedroom. I found the perfect option for myself on how to make it smell great and...

Colorful joy for little things

We, real women, have a lot of little things that are dear to our hearts, but the question is, where to put them? I myself recently had a problem where to put the floral scent so as not to hide the smell and all this was pleasing to the eye. I suggest you do